Sunday, August 25, 2024

Fear - A Mythical Mystery or Innate ?

 Fear - A Mythical Mystery or Innate ?
                                                            - T ABRAHAM

    When we think about certain things which we label as unpleasant or scary we feel chills running down our nerves. This is an emotional response when one is feeling afraid or frightened because of some unhealthy contacts or circumstances which may have got rooted deep down into one's mind and affects them in the future. The emotion is nothing but known as 'fear'. So, here we are going to place fear in the context of 'myth' and also as something 'innate' and find out which one stands more appropriate for it.


    When we claim something to have a mythical origin we usually attribute it with God for each of the emotions that one feels. In a religious context, if we try to discover whether the first man and woman felt 'afraid' and were overcome by 'fear', it is clearly being portrayed in the Book of Genesis that they feared God because they disobeyed his command by eating the fruit of wisdom. But this is a Christian belief and it is not considered to be an imaginary narrative because Bible is said to convey the truth from the creation till the end times.

    So, God has created man with this quality to sense fear. Then, it is to be noted that the response to it is a spontaneous outcome and it is done to protect oneself from any calamity. If this quality has being ingested into the man's psyche when the first man was created, it is universally present inside the entire human race of this world. Fear always carries along with itself the mechanisms of flight and fright. There is a popular saying of 'dying out of fear' without actually dying out of calamity. It is believed that fear can kill someone even though no physical injury is being made to someone. Also, one is said to die many times if one cannot overcome fear as it can hinder our bodily functions and can also cause sickness.

    So, it can also be seen that the Christian belief system presents us to many ways by which fear can be overcome. It can be said that fear is a quality which is being present inside everybody. Fear can show it's highest form only if we allow it to do so or we can even suppress it before it does do any harm to us. Hence, fear is majorly an innate element present inside the human race.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Poem 213 : Unheard Echoes

Unheard Echoes
                              - T ABRAHAM


The long and narrow tunnel,

Moving into the dark phase,

A place to pour out the dark memories,

Walking away from the reality,

The disturbing and troublesome world,

Hidden faces of agony and pain,

Areas undiscovered, but soon rediscovered,

Opens from two sides, the start and the end,

Dark tunnels holding the fear and damage,

Pouring out the anger and disappointment,

The echoes rings upon myself,

Silencing the anger and thoughts,

Thinking about the reality,

Introspection brings back the senses,

Now viewing with the clear lenses,

Moving outside the tunnel again,

The mask worn brisk and intact again,

The expression of grief and anger unheard,

Tunnels of emotions silenced them forever.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Poem 212 : Pleasurable Ignorance

 Pleasurable Ignorance
                              - T ABRAHAM


Everything with their familiarity,

Foulness and lowness in reality,

No sounds and no smiles,

In a world with soul within a soul,

Materialism without any realism,

Hollowness stepping higher,

Ignoring the foulness and biases,

Temporality is unimportant,

Changing phases ignored,

Stability is a delicious dinner,

Black and white are always the best,

Mixtures and intermediates does rest,

Intersectional areas are the best,

Bending and stretching to a limit,

An ever going journey into every phase.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Poem 211 : Precursor of Hatred

 Precursor of Hatred
                                     - T ABRAHAM


Seeds of happiness and goodness,

Sown into the ground,

Growing steadily,

A steady phase.

Attainment of the end,

No more space for growth,

Finality reached it's destiny,

The fading shoots and roots,

No trace of happiness found,

A total insanity of hatred sow around,

Hatred splashing over everywhere,

Beasts and inhumanity prevailing,

It continues without an end.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Prose 40 : Our Sight And Images

 Our Sight And Images
                                  - T ABRAHAM

    We come across many things in our life everyday, every time and everywhere. Sometimes we make ourselves accustomed to them deliberately or intentionally and some times just by a mere coincidence or by chance. When we get familiarised with certain things we find ourselves going through an innate transformation process and it happens naturally. So, here we are going to ponder upon this idea of the influential impact which our mere sights and images present in our immediate surroundings can have upon us.


    It is sometimes proven that images, pictorial representations and graphics can have a greater impact upon one's self when compared with the words that are heard and spoken. Our memories flash upon us with the images and sights of our past and can have a greater impact and power over us rather than hearing the voices of the past.

    There are two aspects involved in this process of becoming that takes place by our sight and how we decipher and interpret certain things. These are namely the positive influence and the negative influence. The positive one is nothing but it involves the usage of good and productive images which would mould one into an asset. It helps one to see the better version or an advanced and more productive version of one's self. These are healthy pictorial representations of humane activities which helps in making one get sensitised towards certain aspects of life and also sows the seeds of humanity into the ever changing and exponentially growing society.

    Even a very insignificant being can be turned into an expert if he is able to hold on to the positive influence which he receives. The positive aspects makes one consistent, disciplined and more beautiful. The beauty which I mention here is with respect to the beauty of the mind and heart which are being shaped into their finest possible form which is being revealed externally by one's actions.

    On the other hand, there is also this downside of the see-saw of the sights and images which we come across in our day-to-day lives. There are certain unhealthy portrayals of the human element which gives unhealthy pleasure to certain people and certain explicit contents are known to be used against the budding minds to tamper and infest their minds with the pestilence of evil. These pictorial representations are also said to have an in-depth effect on someone more than the positive aspect as it is a universal belief that it is always hard to attain the goodness but evil is always present in the air where we live and wherever we go and it can get an easy passage into one's mind when compared with the Godly elements and factors.

    Thus, it is also note worthy to mention that we should not desire to attain everything which we come across in our everyday journey but to intake the goodness. Both good and bad are always present everywhere to maintain the equilibrium upon the earthly and a worldly life and one must be choosy enough and should be able to choose the best possible thing that matters the most for one.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Poem 210 : Roaring Laughter

Roaring Laughter
                              - T ABRAHAM


Mocking faces like smoke,
Foaming out like a coke,
Loudness making me choke,
Humiliation at it's height,
Laughter with it's ill heaviness,
Deserting and deserted pain,
The sand so hot and plain,
A barren land so unyielding,
Values and riches no more shielding,
Pressing pains starts the bleeding,
The ocean of life is mourning.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Poem 209 : Elegant Humanity

 Elegant Humanity
                              - T ABRAHAM


Black and blue moving gently,

Shadows and waters waving lightly,

Yellow and greyness burning brightly,

Ashes found and almost lost faintly,

Red and pink blossoming loudly,

Petals and flowers blooming greatly,

Little by little fading to greyness,

Grey and blackened with darkness,

Green dream becoming a day dream,

Dust and dusk filling the air,

None to take care, nor bothered to care.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Poem 208 : Adjustable Grounds

 Adjustable Grounds
                                   - T ABRAHAM


The rocky origin present,

Wind and water being innocent,

Blowing and flowing to become incessant,

Strong physique of masculinity,

Broken down to it's crumbs,

Soil made with some toil,

Soft and brittle with porosity,

Illness and sickness of falseness,

Weakness prevailing with scorching heat,

Falseness and foulness making their beat,

Broken down to crumbs thrice,

No healing nor cooling, not even the ice,

Wounds inflicted without a heal,

Clay building up into a massive masculine,

Earthly brownness in complexion,

Stiffness and strength building up,

No more a heart of flesh and blood,

Turning into a man with a rock-heart,

No more piercing with the dart,

Ignorance as a key to start,

Massive and magnificent masculinity in run,

The powerful process has now begun.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Poem 207 : Strings of Curtailment

 Strings Of Curtailment
                                   - T ABRAHAM


Presence of the crowd,

The stares so deep and loud,

Each step taken swift and proud,

Dual visions multiplying itself,

Uneasiness glaring vividly,

The thickness clouding rapidly,

Lens and muscles fixed intact,

Struggling to move across,

Abundant sights crisscrossing,

Various lines intersecting,

The point lying on a motion,

Small whispers and a little commotion,

No honey or rubies walking over,

Simplicity and invisibility passing over,

Strong odour of foulness felt,

Sights becoming rotten and stale,

Discomfort conquering the comfort,

Paleness emanating from within,

Burden building itself upon the limbs,

Privacy and comfort rebelling,

Popularity and discomfort being killed,

The loudness attaining the brim.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Prose 39 : Breaking The Superstition

 Breaking The Superstition
                                        - T ABRAHAM

    It is a natural tendency of our mind to make connections with certain incidents that took place because of certain circumstances that would have preceded before any important occasion of our lives. Whenever anything happens good or miserable we look into the factors which had paved way for that particular incident to happen and have caused the outcome which would either be wondrous or disastrous. We label certain places, people, thoughts, visions and ideas to be a precursor to a particular event and we fall into a vicious circle of superstitious beliefs and thought process which would either construct or destruct the mutual relationships with certain individuals with whom we dwell and strive to live on this planet earth. Here, we are going to ponder upon the aspect where one's predetermination and interpretation of the events is being governed by one's worldly understanding and how it is different from the divine vision and understanding which emanates from within one's self.


    Whenever we are travelling towards our destiny we come across a variety of checkpoints which can either help us move to the next level without any loss nor any gain but these checkpoints would consist of the human elements present in it which either becomes a crucial point that paves way either to the positive interaction or to the negative one. At certain places we either feel belonged or being rejected or at certain times we feel our skills and talents getting exploited.

    When we consider the human element present in each check points of our life they can be categorised into a variety of divisions and among these certain categories are more vivid and captures one's attention and they are at times standing at the two extremities of influence. So, let us consider the three points namely the positive influence, neutral and the negative influence.

    Firstly, lets take a look at the positive influencers present in one's life. They are either bound to us by blood or we meet them by chance or unintentionally. These elements present in one's life makes them feel valued and their skills and talents are rightly being used to get benefited at the end of the day. The quality of unconditional love found in family, friends and relatives falls into this category. The process of development in an accelerated manner gets a kick start when we are being abundantly being influenced by them. One gets showered upon by achievements, accomplishments and peace when they get bound with these elements.

    Then, when we move on to the category of neutrality. One is said to have neither gained nor lost anything. It is a monotonous element which one can come across during the journey and they are sometimes significant for us and many-a-times their presence and absence are equally ignorable to us and we do not really find anything. Our skills and talents are just kept intact and there is no progress or acceleration being felt in this short span of time.

    Lastly, the negative influence is something that one should always watch out for. This category is something that is highly fatal and venomous and results in a great downfall in one's journey. When one is progressing in the journey there is a point where there are evil elements trying to infringe and ruin our accomplishments and achievements. These elements are composed of jealousy, envy, and toxic words. These elements are present as a predator waiting for it's prey in an ambush. One has to battle with these elements and once the victory is won it is the most joyous moment in one's life.

    When we consider all these three elements we determine or analyse any human element with the help of our memories and past experiences. But at certain places these memories and the past are bound with the worldly understanding and interpretation and gives birth to rituals and superstitious belief systems which might let doubts and confusions to arise in one's mind. When this happens one misplaces the elements at the wrong division and this in turn causes a great deal of complication in our journey.

    Here, comes the divine vision and the innate knowledge that is provided from the creator. When we come across someone we may want to know under which division they belong to and a certain disturbance or a harmony comes into our heart and mind which indicates the division. This vision is something that one acquires by the experiences one gains from the past but not becoming biased in thoughts.

    So, the superstition and rituals are something that cannot change something but everything depends on our thoughts and actions. Hence, an unbiased vision can always be a good indicator to have a progression rather than falling down and moving into the path of regression and destruction.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Poem 206 : Unwavering Force

 Unwavering Force
                                - T ABRAHAM


The rigid and an intact force,

Unchanging and same always,

Conflicts and wars sometimes,

Ignorance and indifference,

Innate comfort and order,

Changing to cause a dis-order,

Dark interpretation spread in the air,

The force stands intact and firm,

Unconditional and omniscient,

Words are needed no more,

Insignificance and doubts die out,

Importance and completion within,

The first and the one last time,

A few months to fly away,

Then the journey ends here,

With completion as the end.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Poem 205 : The Extreme Points

The Extreme Points
                                  - T ABRAHAM


Interpretation running over,

Situations presiding all over,

Oscillating from the positive,

Moving backwards to the negative,

The current passing through,

Terminals terminating the power,

Instincts and traits building up,

Character built and broken down,

Worldly understanding standing out,

The divine vision being faded out.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Poem 204 : Shades of Darkness

 Shades of Darkness
                                - T ABRAHAM


Amidst the thick darkness,

The paths clearing out,

Dark shadows hiding in,

Disorderliness and darkness,

Each covering each other,

Evil covering the evilness,

Dark covering the darkness,

A vicious circle of insanity,

Mistake covering the mistakes,

Leading to a vicious circle,

A never ending darkness,

Prevailing all over again.

Poem 280 : Calloused Sensation

  Calloused Sensation                                - T ABRAHAM (SOURCE: AI GENERATED IMAGE) Cheerlessness with its heavy hardness, The dry...