Fear - A Mythical Mystery or Innate ?

 Fear - A Mythical Mystery or Innate ?
                                                            - T ABRAHAM

    When we think about certain things which we label as unpleasant or scary we feel chills running down our nerves. This is an emotional response when one is feeling afraid or frightened because of some unhealthy contacts or circumstances which may have got rooted deep down into one's mind and affects them in the future. The emotion is nothing but known as 'fear'. So, here we are going to place fear in the context of 'myth' and also as something 'innate' and find out which one stands more appropriate for it.


    When we claim something to have a mythical origin we usually attribute it with God for each of the emotions that one feels. In a religious context, if we try to discover whether the first man and woman felt 'afraid' and were overcome by 'fear', it is clearly being portrayed in the Book of Genesis that they feared God because they disobeyed his command by eating the fruit of wisdom. But this is a Christian belief and it is not considered to be an imaginary narrative because Bible is said to convey the truth from the creation till the end times.

    So, God has created man with this quality to sense fear. Then, it is to be noted that the response to it is a spontaneous outcome and it is done to protect oneself from any calamity. If this quality has being ingested into the man's psyche when the first man was created, it is universally present inside the entire human race of this world. Fear always carries along with itself the mechanisms of flight and fright. There is a popular saying of 'dying out of fear' without actually dying out of calamity. It is believed that fear can kill someone even though no physical injury is being made to someone. Also, one is said to die many times if one cannot overcome fear as it can hinder our bodily functions and can also cause sickness.

    So, it can also be seen that the Christian belief system presents us to many ways by which fear can be overcome. It can be said that fear is a quality which is being present inside everybody. Fear can show it's highest form only if we allow it to do so or we can even suppress it before it does do any harm to us. Hence, fear is majorly an innate element present inside the human race.


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