Poem 207 : Strings of Curtailment
Strings Of Curtailment - T ABRAHAM
Presence of the crowd,
The stares so deep and loud,
Each step taken swift and proud,
Dual visions multiplying itself,
Uneasiness glaring vividly,
The thickness clouding rapidly,
Lens and muscles fixed intact,
Struggling to move across,
Abundant sights crisscrossing,
Various lines intersecting,
The point lying on a motion,
Small whispers and a little commotion,
No honey or rubies walking over,
Simplicity and invisibility passing over,
Strong odour of foulness felt,
Sights becoming rotten and stale,
Discomfort conquering the comfort,
Paleness emanating from within,
Burden building itself upon the limbs,
Privacy and comfort rebelling,
Popularity and discomfort being killed,
The loudness attaining the brim.
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