Prose 40 : Our Sight And Images

 Our Sight And Images
                                  - T ABRAHAM

    We come across many things in our life everyday, every time and everywhere. Sometimes we make ourselves accustomed to them deliberately or intentionally and some times just by a mere coincidence or by chance. When we get familiarised with certain things we find ourselves going through an innate transformation process and it happens naturally. So, here we are going to ponder upon this idea of the influential impact which our mere sights and images present in our immediate surroundings can have upon us.


    It is sometimes proven that images, pictorial representations and graphics can have a greater impact upon one's self when compared with the words that are heard and spoken. Our memories flash upon us with the images and sights of our past and can have a greater impact and power over us rather than hearing the voices of the past.

    There are two aspects involved in this process of becoming that takes place by our sight and how we decipher and interpret certain things. These are namely the positive influence and the negative influence. The positive one is nothing but it involves the usage of good and productive images which would mould one into an asset. It helps one to see the better version or an advanced and more productive version of one's self. These are healthy pictorial representations of humane activities which helps in making one get sensitised towards certain aspects of life and also sows the seeds of humanity into the ever changing and exponentially growing society.

    Even a very insignificant being can be turned into an expert if he is able to hold on to the positive influence which he receives. The positive aspects makes one consistent, disciplined and more beautiful. The beauty which I mention here is with respect to the beauty of the mind and heart which are being shaped into their finest possible form which is being revealed externally by one's actions.

    On the other hand, there is also this downside of the see-saw of the sights and images which we come across in our day-to-day lives. There are certain unhealthy portrayals of the human element which gives unhealthy pleasure to certain people and certain explicit contents are known to be used against the budding minds to tamper and infest their minds with the pestilence of evil. These pictorial representations are also said to have an in-depth effect on someone more than the positive aspect as it is a universal belief that it is always hard to attain the goodness but evil is always present in the air where we live and wherever we go and it can get an easy passage into one's mind when compared with the Godly elements and factors.

    Thus, it is also note worthy to mention that we should not desire to attain everything which we come across in our everyday journey but to intake the goodness. Both good and bad are always present everywhere to maintain the equilibrium upon the earthly and a worldly life and one must be choosy enough and should be able to choose the best possible thing that matters the most for one.


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