Prose 39 : Breaking The Superstition

 Breaking The Superstition
                                        - T ABRAHAM

    It is a natural tendency of our mind to make connections with certain incidents that took place because of certain circumstances that would have preceded before any important occasion of our lives. Whenever anything happens good or miserable we look into the factors which had paved way for that particular incident to happen and have caused the outcome which would either be wondrous or disastrous. We label certain places, people, thoughts, visions and ideas to be a precursor to a particular event and we fall into a vicious circle of superstitious beliefs and thought process which would either construct or destruct the mutual relationships with certain individuals with whom we dwell and strive to live on this planet earth. Here, we are going to ponder upon the aspect where one's predetermination and interpretation of the events is being governed by one's worldly understanding and how it is different from the divine vision and understanding which emanates from within one's self.


    Whenever we are travelling towards our destiny we come across a variety of checkpoints which can either help us move to the next level without any loss nor any gain but these checkpoints would consist of the human elements present in it which either becomes a crucial point that paves way either to the positive interaction or to the negative one. At certain places we either feel belonged or being rejected or at certain times we feel our skills and talents getting exploited.

    When we consider the human element present in each check points of our life they can be categorised into a variety of divisions and among these certain categories are more vivid and captures one's attention and they are at times standing at the two extremities of influence. So, let us consider the three points namely the positive influence, neutral and the negative influence.

    Firstly, lets take a look at the positive influencers present in one's life. They are either bound to us by blood or we meet them by chance or unintentionally. These elements present in one's life makes them feel valued and their skills and talents are rightly being used to get benefited at the end of the day. The quality of unconditional love found in family, friends and relatives falls into this category. The process of development in an accelerated manner gets a kick start when we are being abundantly being influenced by them. One gets showered upon by achievements, accomplishments and peace when they get bound with these elements.

    Then, when we move on to the category of neutrality. One is said to have neither gained nor lost anything. It is a monotonous element which one can come across during the journey and they are sometimes significant for us and many-a-times their presence and absence are equally ignorable to us and we do not really find anything. Our skills and talents are just kept intact and there is no progress or acceleration being felt in this short span of time.

    Lastly, the negative influence is something that one should always watch out for. This category is something that is highly fatal and venomous and results in a great downfall in one's journey. When one is progressing in the journey there is a point where there are evil elements trying to infringe and ruin our accomplishments and achievements. These elements are composed of jealousy, envy, and toxic words. These elements are present as a predator waiting for it's prey in an ambush. One has to battle with these elements and once the victory is won it is the most joyous moment in one's life.

    When we consider all these three elements we determine or analyse any human element with the help of our memories and past experiences. But at certain places these memories and the past are bound with the worldly understanding and interpretation and gives birth to rituals and superstitious belief systems which might let doubts and confusions to arise in one's mind. When this happens one misplaces the elements at the wrong division and this in turn causes a great deal of complication in our journey.

    Here, comes the divine vision and the innate knowledge that is provided from the creator. When we come across someone we may want to know under which division they belong to and a certain disturbance or a harmony comes into our heart and mind which indicates the division. This vision is something that one acquires by the experiences one gains from the past but not becoming biased in thoughts.

    So, the superstition and rituals are something that cannot change something but everything depends on our thoughts and actions. Hence, an unbiased vision can always be a good indicator to have a progression rather than falling down and moving into the path of regression and destruction.


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