Prose 37 : The Time Killer

 The Time Killer
                                    - T ABRAHAM

    It is an inevitable fact that one can work with his full potential only when one has a normal functioning of his body and mind. When one is unable to give his maximum possible input to make a wondrous outcome it is because of the problems faced by him. The problem is nothing but an inevitable one or rather at times one can keep oneself away from it as well, it is none other than a 'disease' which causes either a minor or a major discomfort either to the body or mind or sometimes to both. Here, we are going to ponder upon how illness is consuming our potential and our precious jewel of time in making our progress to retard for quite some duration of time.


    Many often we get exposed to many entities of nature and also of artificial origin which has got within itself an ability to cause infections, diseases and disorders. It is known that one get's affected or infected by these evil entities only when it is able to intervene with our immune system which serves as a protective shield for all human beings. The level of intervention differs based on many factors upon which both interact with each other. Sometimes, the man is less immune and is bodily weak and is more succumb to the evil entity, even though the entity is weaker the evilness of it has a higher potential to rule over the man's body and mind. There are certain instances where both of them are equally a stronger opponent to one another and the result tends to zero and none is affected and both ignores each other's presence.

    There is a famous saying which describes about the value of one's health and character which make up a man into a wholesome human being. It is said that, 'When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost', which describes about the essential elements that make up the mankind. This quote by Billy Graham makes one realise that there is an innateness present in both health and character and the idea of 'something' and 'everything' is describing the value of each.

    Whenever we fall ill our body and mind retards and pauses us from our daily routine and makes us look tired, weary and lost. It is like a pest that keeps consuming our nutrition and energy in a slow and steady mechanism which makes one's potential to remain dormant or go into the state of hibernation until one gets fully recovered from it. The time lost during an illness seems like many ages being passed and our potential is being made to remain in the state of rest. The battle between our body and the evil is something that drains out our energy to the maximum and it seems to be prolonged sometimes. During this battle we are falling behind many people who were at a slow pace in their life's progress and we have to rush to come back to our own position when we are back into our routine after this battle.

    The battle during our initial days of our lives seems to be quite hard to combat but we always win irrespective of the abundant loss of time which we have to undergo. The later part of our life or especially during our early stages of adulthood we are quite familiarised with these battles because of the earlier battles fought in which we have tasted the victory and it's fruits. When we are moving forward in time and we reach our later part of the adulthood we find the warfare to be a quite tiresome one because our energetic self is slowly ebbing away with time.

    It is seen that most of the times our tastes becomes bitter due to the bitterness of the strict and stringent medicines ruling over our body to heal us from our illness. One has to sacrifice the sweetness and coolness of delicacies and foods to win the battle. A great amount of sacrifice is needed to win the battle in a few days and if one is ready only for a little amount of sacrifice the war is prolonged.

    Hence, it becomes one's choice either to give way for the battle and prolong it for a longer duration of time or to end it up in a few days. The disease and illness as a time killer is something that should be taken seriously as we are losing a lot of opportunities and experiences of life which is made possible to cherish and witness only in the presence of a sound body and mind.


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