The Dearest Friend Of All - T ABRAHAM
That was the day when Pinky found her peace. The time of spring is descending towards its closure but still the flowers are in their place. She received a beautiful notebook from one of her friends whom she met during her schooldays. It was none other than Liddy with whom she has been well acquainted with for the past seventeen years of her life. ‘Thank you Liddy’, said Pinky.(SOURCE: AI GENERATED IMAGE)
By the time she had reached home she unwrapped the other gifts received from her classmates as it was the day when they have reached the final semester of their degree programme. ‘Finally I have reached the last step of my academic journey’, said Pinky to herself and went to refresh herself by having some chocolates and honey which she had bought from the supermarket the day before. Pinky did not feel like reading during the weekdays but she felt that she can improve her command over her language by honing her writing skills. ‘I am going to start writing from today onwards. Can I type or write?’, said Pinky in a tone of confusion. Pinky started to write in the notebook which she has got from Liddy. But after a few days felt disoriented and stopped writing. Pinky started to write a novel in her notebook but felt tired after a hectic schedule at her college. Even though it might be a hectic schedule Pinky usually does not feel tired but she also faced many other problems as well.
After a few days, she wanted to write but this time no more using a pen. ‘I am going to type on my computer’, said Pinky and started to type out small lines which were tuning with themselves. ‘Finally, I have started to write poems!’, said Pinky in a mood of celebration. Pinky wrote a poem everyday and also she did not give up on writing her novel. Finally a day came when she has completed writing one hundred poems.
‘Liddy, I have written one hundred poems on my blog’, said Pinky to Liddy and Liddy immediately went and told it to her friends. This became the talk of the day in their college and the news had fallen into the ears of one of her teacher. Ms. Maple asked Pinky to meet her during the lunch break.
Pinky went straight to Ms. Maple’s classroom during the lunch break and she congratulated Pinky. ‘Well done! You have written one hundred poems and it is a great achievement. Would you like to publish them?’, said Ms. Maple. Pinky did not know what to say but immediately nodded her head approvingly.
Pinky had to follow up with all the procedure given by Ms. Maple regarding the publishing process and had successfully published her first book. One of her friends had asked her how did she get so well acquainted with writing even though it was really a very tough time at college even to have some peace of mind. Pinky’s answer had shocked everyone.
Pinky said, ‘Even amidst such a dark phase during the final semester. I am able to do this because this has become my hobby. I don’t think this as something which would provide me with an academic credit but I feel happy after writing everyday. Writing brings out the unheard and unpresentable voices inside me on this very sheet of paper. This notebook is my best friend with whom I can share everything in a language which is comprehensible only between two of us.’
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