Prose 38 : Regression Factor

 Regression Factor
                                 - T ABRAHAM

    In this ever moving world with it's evolving lifestyle patterns we get carried away by many things. The most common things which usually grabs our attention and also deteriorates our physical vision and makes us move away from the natural human relationships are these electronic gadgets which act both as an angel and also as a devil. When we look into their purpose it is basically to make our lives easier and to communicate at a faster rate which is equivalent to the light's speed but we either overuse it or misuse it and we are making them as an object which appears as an angel that contains within itself the nature of a devil. So, here we are going to ponder upon the addiction which most of us acquire due to the usage of mobile phone and other electronic gadgets and how they cause both progression and also regression in one's life.


    When we want to convey any information to our family and friends we did not have this superfast gadget called as the mobile phone during the days of our grandparents and one cannot convey something in a fraction of seconds to minutes but it takes days to several months for the information to reach them based on whether we are trying to contact them within the country or across the world. These devices are helping us to stay connected even though we are separated by the physical boundaries but emotionally we can connect with them these days.

    It is seen that the functionality of these devices are getting broader upon each passing day to improve upon the standards to give us comforts. These improvements are nothing but the applications which are being developed to connect with the world which is a large ocean in which we all are present as tiny droplets. So, when we open our mobile phones nowadays it is seen that many-a-times we are totally engrossed with these social media sites and apps which are becoming time wasters once when it starts to hinder with our responsibilities and duties to which we are being bound to.

    The electronic devices when used for a productive cause or for organizational purposes and to improve our knowledge and to hone our skills it is an angel which is showering us with the gifts of productive nature and making us into a good individual. But once when we start overusing the entertainment essence of these devices it starts to disturb our daily routine and also it makes us walk away from our responsibilities. The students who are in their schooling days are usually known to fail in their subjects and also to get introduced to inappropriate content because of the overuse of the internet which makes them see the worst part which was lying deep inside themselves and this is the same case amongst the college going teenagers as well.

    When we talk about the regression which is caused due to the overuse or misuse of these devices it mainly makes one feel weary and depressed all the time as it hinders with one's sleep cycle and causes many bodily ailments and also causes one to become unproductive and to fall ill frequently both physically and mentally.

    I would like to mention one of my personal experience or an experiment to test why I feel tired during somedays and feel energetic the other days. I have observed that during the days when I use my mobile phone and computer for a longer duration of time I have seen that my body and mind becomes weary and I sleep for a longer duration of time than usual. When I have checked the other way around I have observed that I had my usual level of energy and enthusiasm and was able to complete many tasks and my sleep cycle was uniform during these days.

    It is an undeniable fact that nowadays everything is becoming electronic and are electronic. So, it is always better to use them only for our productive activities and it is always good to take a break from these screens if you are held up with responsibilities that requires the usage of these screens.

    Hence, it is always good to reduce the screen time to protect ourselves from the avoidable illnesses and we should also be conscious about our sleep cycle which gets affected by the developments of the world. So, it is better to use these objects to become more productive rather than turning them into a regression factor for us and to avoid walking in the path of self-destruction.


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