Sunday, April 7, 2024

Prose 7 : Preparation For Sermon

 Preparation For Sermon
                                              - T ABRAHAM

    Do we know enough about ourselves? Do we know how we came into existence? Do we know our predestination? Can we draft our future without any deviation from it? Some of these questions seem to be easily answerable but they are at the same time thought provoking and doubt evoking ones. Let us try giving answers to this but not for ourselves but for a small crowd.

    These questions can be considered to be a test posed to humans to know the omnipotence and omnipresence of the Almighty God. These questions can have a variety of answers and has different explanations for one answer. These questions have their answers in the Holy texts and one such Holy Text is 'The Holy Bible' which talks about the creator, creation, the thoughts and actions of both the creator and the creation. The scripture contains 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament and a total of 66 books are there within this book and it is called as the 'book of books' which talks about the 'king of kings' who is God the father, son and the Holy Spirit.
    There are a vast realm of events mentioned in the Bible and all these cannot be understood in a single day and each one of us understand it in different manners and each one's thoughts blooms in a different manner. For sharing these ideas there comes the sharing of 'Word of God' by the Christians and priests of the church. But these ideas should be of one's own written in one's own voice and words but sadly nowadays it is not the case.
    The 'Word of God' shared to the people should be written from what one has read and understood with his own mind and heart and not something that is found in a variety of sources available to us in plentitude nowadays and it is seen that many people are sharing someone else's thoughts and it violates the very idea of sharing of this divine word.
    This task of preparation for a sermon should be started with talking to God in prayer and by asking him for wisdom and knowledge and also to ask him to strike your mind with an idea that can be written by the divine inspiration he gives you to save the crowd by spreading the word of God to them.
    Penning down one's own thoughts is something very precious and especially when it comes to sharing of the word of God it is the Almighty's inspiration, that we need to pen down his words and to deliver it to the crowd to whom he shows us. Thus, this should be done with our own mind and heart and not through any immoral standards as it is sacred and divine.

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