Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Short Story 22 : The Rain And The Rainbow

The Rain And The Rainbow
                                       - T ABRAHAM

    It was the months of monsoon where the raindrops were splashing into the shop through the open window. Little Fluffy got wet and also some other teddy bears got wet because of the heavy rain. Liddy started to think about the rainbow and started to weave her story in the midst of the wetness prevailing all around them.
    Liddy started off with her imagination, ‘There was a time when the rain and rainbow were mutually existing. But on one fine day the rains were continuously pouring out causing the earth to flood all over. The sun who was taking rest behind the moon did not show up even after a week had passed. The rainbow was waiting patiently to take its turn but the rain was dominating and disturbing the humans. ‘When will you let me come rain? I am waiting for my turn’, said the rainbow to the rain. ‘Wait for one more day and I will make way for you’, said the rain in a villainous tone. The rainbow was quite disturbed and had some thoughts of perishing away soon. It was afraid that the rain might do something against it as the tone of the rain was very clear that it did not like the rainbow asking for its turn. But the rain kept upon its word and descended away the very next day. According to the mutual understanding the rain will hide itself when the rainbow comes out and the sun will shine brightly. But this time the rain became insane and did the most dreaded and terrible thing to the rainbow. It rained when the rainbow came out.
    The rainbow came out immediately after the rains have descended and also the sun came out as well. All the beautiful colours of the rainbow was blossoming out after a long time and the sun and clouds enjoyed this sight of beauty. But suddenly the rain came out. ‘What are you doing rain?’ asked the rainbow. Without any response there was a spontaneous reaction from the rain. It immediately began to rain and the rainbow was getting drained out with all its colours getting lost into the air. There was a painful cry from the rainbow before it was lost forever.
    Witnessing this cruelty by the rain towards the humble and faithful rainbow, the sun and the clouds began to chase the rains away. The sun started to shine brightly and it had rapidly started to increase its intensity. The clouds started to crash against the rains and they started to spin round and round and the rain was caught inside a whirl. The intensity of the sun became very high and the flood waters descended into the ground and some ascended as vapours, going back into the sky. The whirl formed in the sky was received as a gentle breeze by the humans.
    The rains were diminished forever into tiny droplets which were filled with cycles of motions and emotions. The rainbow was killed by the rain and the rain received a deserving treatment from the other elements of nature which were living in a mutual understanding with one another’.

    Once the story was ended, two teddy bears were bought by a gentleman who has a small baby girl. The teddy bears wished good luck to both of them who are journeying towards this household to live in happiness and comfort.

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