Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Short Story 21 : The Candy Man

The Candy Man
                            - T ABRAHAM

    The teddy bears of the stuffed animals world were evacuated. All the teddy bears are now being kept for sale in the human world. But there lived one exception amidst the teddy bears who was none other than Liddy. When the teddy bears reach the human world it was inevitable and sadly all the teddy bears lose their ability to talk and walk voluntarily. The autonomy which they have over themselves are lost once they enter the human world and they are under the hands of the human beings.
    Liddy was known to have entered the human world without losing her ability to talk. But she immediately turned mute whenever a human passes by her side. This quality of Liddy made her into a storyteller and this kept the other teddy bears away from boredom. Her tales are being woven from her vivid imagination, and her easy to comprehend vocabulary and language makes her into what every calls her to be, ‘The Magical Storyteller Liddy’.
    Liddy caught the sight of a candy being chewed by a little child who has come to the shop with his mother. Liddy started off with her tale, ‘So, today’s tale is about the candy which travelled in the human world and was destroying the human race. There was a candy named Gummy who was living away from the human Tummy. Gummy was the sweetest sugar candy who would crawl straight into the mouth of every human being but would never crawl into their stomach. The sweetest sugar candy always stayed inside the mouth of every individual and he was an omnipresent being. Once there was a time when the children of the human beings were struggling with toothaches. Gummy was ever present over their tooth and many children became lazy to remove the residue poured out by Gummy by his sweet existence. When the days went by, Gummy’s existence was getting affected because many of the parents have started to buy toothpaste, toothbrush and mouthwash for their children to get rid of the sweet which was causing all the pain to them. Even after that the children were getting frequent toothaches.
    Suddenly one day all the children were having terrible pain all over their oral cavity. When the parents examined them, they found out that most of their tooth have already got decayed and they immediately rushed towards the nearby dentist. This was the weirdest days ever seen. All the parents of the town were crowding in their nearby dental clinics to remove the decayed and deformed tooth of their little ones. Then, they all have realised what was the causative for all this misery. It was none other than the sweetest sugar candy. Yes, it was Gummy who does not get into the tummy and was always hated by every mummy. To end this cycle of decay and pain all the parents have decided to ban the sweetest sugar candy from their town and also to destroy all the Gummy chocolates available in the supermarket. So, here ends the tale of the sweetest sugar candy which had met with its fate. It did not go into the tummy and angered every mummy and so was Gummy destroyed forever ’.

    Once the story of the day ended one among the teddy bear was sold and they all bid goodbye to it. They all hoped that it would become a part of a loving and caring household.

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