Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Prose 4 : The Power Of Masculine Appearance

 The Power Of Masculine Appearance
                                                - T ABRAHAM
The terms 'masculine' or 'male' are used to refer to a man and 'feminine' or 'female' are used to describe a woman. Have you ever wondered what enhances ones manly or womanly nature or what makes them more distinct from one another. What makes a man look and feel like a man with strength and power among his fellow men and what makes a woman feel man to be more stronger than her in terms of his physique. So, we are going to take the facial hairstyles of man as an indicator to show him more masculine or to bring out the masculine nature out of him.

    It is commonly seen that men either grow, trim or clean off their facial hair. These are the three techniques to enhance their appearance and each of this is adopted by them either by force and restrictions posed upon them due to their work atmosphere and disciplinary and hygiene measures followed by educational institutions. The other way of adopting to it is by ones own convenience and time invested to groom oneself and at times to have an elevated outlook or to standout from the crowd.
    It is a common grooming system in almost all schools, it is a common scenario that one should appear in clean shave and should not have even a moustache and it is a grooming technique used by these institutions in moulding the adolescent population of their schools. In some colleges, especially the engineering colleges too believe in clean shave but they, up to some extant at least do not deny the privilege of having a moustache.
    Then, when we take certain professions like the military, army, navy, police and air force the men are usually identified with their beard-less clean shaven faces or with just a moustache. Even though they do not have their facial hair to portray their manliness and masculinity they have muscled body which was created out of heavy physical grooming done by many bodily activities and it can be seen that their masculinity is outwardly projected by their appearance.
    Then, there is an other extreme such as the liberal arts and science colleges and professions that needs the peoples looks rather than their intellect, demands an enhanced appearance which demands a man to look as fierce as a lion and a woman to look like a tiger. When we look into the aspect of looking like a lion it does not mean to grow your facial hair recklessly but to groom it accordingly within it's limits or to keep it to a certain tolerable level for us to maintain our hygiene and cleanliness.
    Then, when we see the process of clean shave it is seen that we use the razor blade and cream and run the blades through our skin which mostly causes irritation and also at the same time cuts and burning sensations as well. We undergo this painful process and the result is a clear face with the masculinity overflowing brought to rest and dormancy.
    Moving on to moustaches, it is seen that here too the shaving process is happening but in a conditioned manner which lets us have a steady flow of our masculinity by allowing us to keep up with the hairs on our upper lips that makes us look manly but in a limited sense and this does not bring out the lion inside a man's personality but to some extent the flow of masculinity is controlled.
    Finally, we come to the state where flowing beard or a controlled beard is grown to signify the powerful manliness by letting the masculinity come out through one's facial hair and it's style. The maintenance is the main factor that lets one not fall ill in his appearance and also not to let the manliness flow tremendously but in an orderly and controlled manner. This process of trimming and maintaining a beard is something less painful than shaving off the whole hair.
    There is a common belief that bearded men are masculine and powerful and are a portrayal of manliness and as fierce as a lion and whereas the beardless are considered to be kind and polite and the ones with a moustache are in the intermediate position and this interpretation at times hold good but many a times fails miserably because it is said, 'do not judge a book by it's cover', but people most often does this.
    So, it is seen that beard is less painful to have and is a portrayal of manliness and it is maintained under the process of trimming whereas the other two are quite painstaking ones and also impacts ones manly appearance.

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