One Human Body But Ten Fingers
Firstly, let me ask you readers a question, 'Why do we have the quality of doing a multiple things at a short span of time?' or 'Why are we always thrust upon with more and more responsibilities and not one at a time?', the answer is not so simple but not complex as well. The idea of multi-tasking is something very unique to the human beings, and every creation by God has some purpose and meaning within itself. The very idea of multi-tasking can be seen in the design of human body, mind and the benefits of multi-tasking seen is many.
Multi-tasking is doing a multiple array of things which are either our everyday chores, duties or our personal interests. The very idea of multi-tasking is very clear from the one body and ten fingers we possess. The art of multi-tasking keeps oneself productive and demands one to use their full potential and not to waste one's precious skills and talents which are present innately from birth. It is clear that this art is something that is not always seen in a child but as a child grows older he becomes more responsible and wants to take up multiple job roles and also at the same time wants to pursue his passion and interests. The time when a child turns into an adolescent his faculty of thinking starts to work rapidly and automatically urges one to handle a multiple tasks at a single time.
For example, if you are pursuing a degree program and your mind is urging you to multi-task and you perform at an average level during your first semester when you don't multi-task and you just spend your time in reading your books and doing your life processes, that is, consumption of food and having your time to entertain yourself. Your mind feels numb and you do not even use half of your potential. The scores in your exams might deteriorate if this continues for the rest of your college days. This might become worse if you have taken up a degree program which demands less study time and mostly demands less effort from you. Gradually it is evident that since you have a lot of time left you start to waste your golden hours of your life and start getting addicted to time killers and you start killing the beautiful time you are blessed with.
I would like to emphasis upon the point that our faculty of body and mind are conditioned to work up to it's full potential and if we do not use our faculty properly we are going to lose it soon. The above mentioned case is a real-time experiment that can be tested upon any teenager who is in the age group of 17-22 years or upon adults as well.
There is a famous saying 'An idle mind is a devil's workshop' and in idleness dark thoughts and evil can take it's root if our mind is not occupied and no fresh thoughts are moving inside. Multi-tasking is a tool that can drive the devil of laziness away as it keeps oneself thoughtful and mindful of one's duties and surroundings.
So, now let us see how multi-tasking makes one more productive as well as more efficient and motivated when compared with people who take up a single task at a time.
In this fast moving world there is always an urge for everyone to complete their paid labour as well as their unpaid labour. The term 'paid' is something very significant because it is a universal truth that only money can buy us the essentials we need for our life but at the same time there are duties we are bound with which would improve our skills and would mould us into good individuals these fall under the term 'unpaid'.
When one does either one of the work, one's mind just keeps it's motto to complete the task and a single thought would be passing inside and out. This thought is something that does not makes one energetic but makes one's life boring and dry. When a person is imposed with multiple tasks at one time with every task with it's own deadline, one's mind tries to become energetic and a multiple array of thoughts flows in a manner of plentitude and makes one perform his work with utmost care and let him give his best of skills for a beautiful outcome and greater results. The outcome is an outstanding and a beautiful entity created out of multi-tasking whereas the one who did the same work without any other task to take up just displays us with the bare minimum he can perform.
Thus, it is from this very idea of 'one body, but ten fingers' we have to realise the very purpose of our existence. We humans are born to use our full potential and handle multiple tasks at a span of a minutes or an hour. The energetic and thoughtful souls are the ones creating wonderful things and gives their maximum in all the array of tasks taken. So, multi-tasking is a key to perfection, success and development of one's self to see a better version of us.
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