Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Prose 30 : Birth Of Interpretation In An Artist

Birth Of Interpretation In An Artist
                                                     - T ABRAHAM

    Many of us have a store of things available in plentitude to express but we may not be able to express it because of some force that stops us from doing so. Our life and it's instances are something that we can interpret in our own way and one has the freedom to express something in his own way. There are certain things that are needed to be kept in one's mind while presenting something to the audience, that is, the content should be in a presentable form. The presentable form is a broad term that contains within itself certain norms that is set by the presenter and some needs to be evaluated accordingly before it is presented to the crowd. So, here we are going to ponder upon how a valuable and a presentable creation comes into existence in one's mind which turns him into an artist.

    Thoughts are at times flowing like a river based upon one's experience in life and at times there is a stagnation in this flow of thoughts as well. There are plenty of information to express but how do we interpret it is something that makes the difference. One situation can be taken and can be given to many people to interpret it in their own way and each comes up with their own method of interpretation. Some interpretations seems to be presentable when it is in simple words and plain language being used if the audience are having just the basic level of understanding. When one is required to express something in high standards and ornamental language when one is presenting an art in front of a person who knows something more than the rudiments.
    Sometimes people keep on scratching at the scratch level of anything without moving to the next step and they think that the level at which they are maintaining themselves is more than enough to make them established and there is no need to develop your thinking. This many a times proves to be wrong as the world is an ever changing world and it is seen that developments are happening everyday, every month and every year and one has to catch hold of this.
    A knowledge about just the rudiments can help everyone to a certain level, but to express it in a presentable manner and not to offend anybody by our written or oral communication is something very important. Reading the already existing works of art in literature, practicing the art of painting with the help of already existing masterpieces and tuning one's voice by the songs available to one is something that is needed to create one's own work of art.
    Getting an idea about the product one is going to create is something very important and the outcome should be original and unique and should be made out of your own intellect with the form in which the existing artist has described it in making it into a presentable one or certain structural aspects alone should be followed in one's way in the presenting the content.
    So, some of the ideas which I interpreted with the Shakespeare's plays titled 'Much Ado About Nothing' and from the play 'Twelfth Night' are something I think are presentable but it is acceptable to some but some rejects it. The deception deceiving the deceived to be loved and the deceived being in love with the deceiver. The mask when unleashed is bringing the truth out and the love is a deception and the eternal union is a deception. So, love and marriage are both deception, by deceiving we attain this eternal union and the deceiver is in joy and the deceived is inside a hollow sphere getting filled with fakeness.
    So, at first when one starts to write one may at times think whether the content is worthy to write, worthy to express and is at times afraid whether the content might be offensive. The interpretation is born amidst this chaos of doubts surrounding an artist's mind which finally after one of the work getting recognized let's him create his creation and it goes on as an ever flowing river. The interpretation is born amidst a chaos but it is nourished by recognition to grow into it's full form.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Prose 29 : Temperament And Temperature

 Temperament And Temperature
                                                 - T ABRAHAM

    The seasonal changes are something that is inevitable by one and we live with it. The two extremes are the summer and winter which brings in happiness and disappointment at the same time. The end of winter is summer and after this we reach the season of spring which tends towards autumn and finally back to the winter. The seasonal changes also influences our mood and one gets irritated when we reach the extreme ends. The seasonal changes also lets one relate with the attainable happiness which survives for sometime and then we move into the seasons of sadness then back to happiness filling the air. So, here we are going to ponder upon how this summer heat makes one feel when it is reaching it's highest point during this month of April 2024.

    The summer is identified with the hotness it provides one with. The hotness is something that can be a symbol for anger, danger and fire. The bright sunshine with it's light at a certain point of time becomes an annoyance for the people when the warmth turns into hotness. The hotness is not just being hot but becoming hotter and then reaching the hottest point where one starts to get irritated. The 'hotness of the sun' or of the 'summer heat' is something that feels pleasant when we come out from the coldness of winter in the beginning but soon causes anger and irritation to one when it is increasing it's intensity. The sun at first enters as an innocent being trying to comfort the coldness and dampness we were surrounded by but soon takes it's control over the situation and starts it's toll over all the people.

    The summer heat causes one to sweat even though one has not done any physical work. This heat is a factor that also tests one's patience by becoming a factor of irritation as well. The sweat irritates a person who is either caught up with cold, cough and sneezing as the sweat has a cooling effect over one's body when one's body reaches really a very high temperature. The temperature of our body is being maintained because of this fluid called as sweat which also adds on to our sneezes which makes one to loose energy, not even leaving the energy factor of one's body to let one do a work that does not use the physical body but also the one that only uses the mind.

    When the heat is high and one is also angry and is also a short-tempered person, the energy gets totally drained out and one feels very sleepy and the sleepiness and fatigue surrounds them. During the test of our patience by the nature if we remain intact and just hold on to our 'anger suppressant factor' we are away from 'draining our energy by our temperament'. Hence, even the nature too takes it's turn in testing our patience to see how one reacts to these external environmental stimuli and how we pass through this test to make the patience an ever-lasting quality inside us.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Prose 28 : Candies And Sweets Of Childhood

 Candies And Sweets Of Childhood
                                                - T ABRAHAM

    One among the tastes that our taste buds sense is 'sweet' and we all loved candies and sweets when we were young. The sweetness imparted by cakes, candies, chocolates and sweets are the elements used during our childhood to create some memories to cherish, which are sweet to remember. The sweetness of the candies and chocolates are not preferred by people when they are tending towards their adulthood and upon becoming adults.

    The sweetness is seen in innocent children who love these sweets which gives them joy and happiness. The adulthood symbolizes responsibility and commitment towards the works that we undertake and only focusses upon how mature one is to handle any situation. The ultimate aim of adults is to move on as quick as possible in terms of looking after the ever moving life which is in a fast moving track. Amidst all the challenges and difficulties that comes across, the aim is to provide quality service to our authorities and progressing in our life.

    To enjoy the sweetness imparted by these 'candies and sweets' one has to have time to relax and enjoy the moment of sweetness. The 'moment of sweetness' or the 'moments of sweetness' are available to one when they are in their childhood days as the quality of innocence is yet another thing which is as sweet as these cadies imparting sweetness. The innocent child upon becoming a mature adult or a responsible adult is no longer able to find these 'moments of sweetness' in anything but needs to run along with the world filled with responsibility, integrity, sincerity, timelessness and perfection.

    As a child one does not see how perfect a birthday gift matches with one's purpose or neither does not try to estimate the value of things but can accept things whenever one receives them. A child does not think about the purpose of life or about the inevitable death. The innocent mind does not experience strong grief or pain in situations that a mature mind can respond and react in a few seconds of time.

    Thinking about these candies and sweets and the sweetness they impart to one is something that brings in a feeling of nostalgia to one. The sweet childhood memories of carefree days and about the abundant time available in one's hand brings about a feeling of comfort. The only time for a mind to calm down is the time of vacation. The sweet candies and the sweetness in the childhood nostalgia are memories to cherish but the nature is the same but the time has passed on. One can think and find comfort in these times but we cannot travel back to those times in reality.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Prose 27 : Unbound By Blood But Bound By Kindness

 Unbound By Blood But Bound By Kindness
                                                               - T ABRAHAM

    We are bound with each other either by a blood bond or through a bloodless bond. When one asks which one is more valuable, one would say that the one bounded by blood is a precious one and one does not want to give upon them at any cost. The relations which are very precious and one cannot buy them even how rich one can become are the relationship of a child, mother and father. The relationships that are bound by blood also includes the other members of the family tree as well but not all are considered to be valuable even though the bond is a blood bond. When we think about a bloodless bond we try to think about the term 'friends' as someone who can be placed under this category. But think about various other people who act as an upliftment to your life by being with you in a bloodless bond. Here, we are going to ponder upon the valuable bonds which are not bound by the criterion of blood but by the acts of kindness.

    The true bond one can have with is with the God Almighty and the one that is similar to it, that is none other than the parental love and affection that one receives from their parents. The brotherly and sisterly love is yet another aspect. The love that resembles God's love towards his creation is something that every human being yearns to attain. Some people do not easily make friends with anyone or everyone but puts every person into a screening process to check whether their love is genuine or not. The relationship that we are bounding ourselves without blood is a very sacred one.

    Many people go and approach anyone and everyone because of their money, fame and knowledge to simply exploit and misuse their skills in achieving something in their lives. The misuse of the genuine person's resources if known to the person who is getting exploited would feel shattered and at the same time angry about the situation. The relationship ultimately breaks and there might at times be a pure hatred being sown into the mind of the genuine being because of this incident which makes him more suspicious towards every person who is approaching him.

    It is seen that truth is really a bitter phenomena when it comes to fakeness being brought out in a relationship and it causes really a very deep wound which takes day to months to years for one to get healed from it. The genuineness is something that is really very essential in a relationship.

    Then, moving on we can see that the age old adage, 'A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed' which plays a very important role in a relationship. Many claim to be our friends and when we are in need of something or we are in a critical situation many wash off their hands and go away from us. But they need us when they are caught up in the same situation. This is yet another thing that is a factor that is required for a genuine relationship.

    Hence, we can infer that a genuine friend is someone who is a person who does not come to us with an instinct of exploitation but an instinct to grow together and cherish the success by being a shoulder to us in the journey of hardships and he is someone who caters to all our qualifying criteria to be called as a friend. The relationship is of great quality of purity when he stands by our side when we need him and he does not give way for any false accusations to break the relationship.

(Note: The essay is about friendship and not about romantic relationship. The term 'relationship' is a broad term and the readers are asked to read it in terms of friendship.)

Friday, April 26, 2024

Prose 26 : Sweetness In Tradition

 Sweetness In Tradition
                                                      - T ABRAHAM

    Tradition is something that is an age old practice of a particular nation or region. It can be attributed either to a small group or a larger crowd. Traditions are sweet and colourful when one finds where one 'belongs to' or 'fits into'. 'Tradition' as a term is usually attributed to the clothing, food and to many more things. When we talk about the various traditions available and practiced in India it merely confuses a foreigner as it is seen in the novel titled 'A Passage to India' written by E.M. Forster which can cause a lot of trouble to the natives and the foreign entity as well. But nowadays there is a coexistence or a crisscross existing between various cultures and traditions and there are less problems caused. Here, we are going to ponder upon the diversity in traditions using 'sweets' and 'sweetness' as the media to ponder upon this.

    When we move either from the north or south or from the west to east we see many similarities and diversity in the nature and everything present in each place as we progress. The similarities are due to the inter-mingling taking place between people. There is a common misconception regarding the unity in diversity at times. It is not necessary for one tradition to get mixed up with the other tradition to prove the peaceful existence between people living in a particular area, but accepting it is something which can be described as, both exists at the same place but each tradition should not interfere and intervene in the issues of one another unless one's freedom is getting disturbed by the other.

    Any tradition in it's purest form is something that is rare to find nowadays but there still exists some pure communities following their traditions. When we take the traditional sweets from all the regions of India we can see that all are made with the help of diverse ingredients available in the land of diverse traditions and each looks externally very different. Each sweet is considered as a 'sweet' because it imparts the taste of sweetness to us. Even though each looks very different from each other they are sweet and to be more clear they are traditional sweets made with different traditional identity with the regional elements present inside them to bring out the sweetness.

    Hence, even though these sweets are from different origins, everyone of us get a chance to have a bite of this sweetness. These sweets are kept in one place at a time and we can see that they are colourful and beautiful of their own nature. So, like these sweets all of us are from different traditions and each one of us, when we are following our tradition in it's purest we can see a colourful nation filled with colourful traditions being present in this planet earth with peace and harmony present inside all of them.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Prose 25 : Morning Devotion

 Morning Devotion
                                 - T ABRAHAM

    The world we all live in is a time bound space which can never be stopped. The times move on, the days fly off and the years run off. The every minute we exist on this planet we have several thoughts flowing inside our mind. The thoughts may be about good deeds or about evil actions and harm. Many of us are happy amidst all the circumstances even though we are in a fast moving world. Some people find every single minute of their existence being filled with challenges and many factors are disturbing their peace and harmony in their atmosphere or the people around them do not let them reach the state of tranquility. People change over time and feelings changes but there is an Almighty God, creator of the heaven and the earth whose love for us does not change. Many of us just go behind worldly things but always forget to approach our creator. So, here we are going to think upon one way to connect with our creator.

    Some of the people in the world feel they are the only ones facing hardships and challenges one after the other but one should not feel broken because of it. Many of us whenever we are put into some very new situation we may not know how to handle it and may end up messing it as a whole. People who face hardships and challenges always at times lose their feeling of happiness forever and think upon what challenge is going to come next even if they get a joyous moment in their life. The brokenness, the inability to become happy or feel happy and the worries and challenges that are flooding our minds, because we do not approach our creator who alone can provide us with solutions and can guide us. We need to seek him through prayer and by thanking him for the every joyous moment he gives in our life and leading a happy life forever is an ideal condition which is unattainable.

    There is a lot of changes I witnessed when I approached my creator or our creator who is God the Almighty who alone can guide us amidst the prevailing mist and fog surrounding in one's life. In my college there are prayers being conducted every morning that takes place at the Anderson Hall from 8:15 am to 8:30 am. I started to inculcate the habit of reading the Bible everyday after my 'Christian Studies' classes and it has been a year since I am reading my Bible regularly. Reading is a passive way of strengthening us and something more is needed. So, here comes the morning prayers conducted by the 'Student Christian Movement' every morning to strengthen one's mind both mentally and spiritually to overcome anything huge. The hymns sung and the 'Word of God' may at times strikes us with the earlier situations that prevailed in one's life and the hardships that one might have faced. If we feel some connect with the place through the prayers made each morning it is the right place for you. It was a place where many of the doubts in my mind flew away and never came back again and it would be a place for you too.

Hence, the power of reading the Bible, singing the hymn and listening to the word of God is somewhere that one can start from to find the true happiness surrounding you everyday and confidence filling you and making you into a better person.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Prose 24 : The Impulse For Interest

 The Impulse For Interest
                                            - T ABRAHAM

    All of us does something, be it a physical activity, a course or a job. But our first thoughts are like the commonly said adage, 'the first impression is the best impression' which is attributed for the judgements we make about certain people during our first encounter. Does this adage really play some role in everyone's life ? certainly a strong 'yes' for people who have witnessed the same in their lives. So, how well it goes on with our thoughts about the other things which we do and various other happenings of our life is something that we are certainly going to ponder upon now.

    Many of us choose something out of the reviews given by others and by witnessing the same. Some people choose something out of one's innate interest factor that causes an impulse for one to choose something in spite of the choice being an underrated one. But many a times our elders, if present, make us not to choose the underrated choice which is not considered to be a decent or a civilised option to choose but rather they thrust in their opinion into us. The result is being inside something that does not interest you and pursuing a some course or job with regret and ranting about it every single minute of your life.

    There is need for a stimulus to activate the impulse of interest within us and we need this innately or by the worldly knowledge which we gain by experience and experimentation. The interest factor is usually that comes innately based on the level of tolerance and patience present inside one's self. Choosing something over the other is made only if we agree with the minimum stress it causes and the more advantages it provides us with. Many of the people think getting a job or earning more money is an advantage over choosing something out of passion and interest and this is a factor that causes more rise in the increase of B.E and B.Tech intakes each year. This at times may cause an undesirable amount of stress which might cause one to loose the skills and just intake facts and live a very plain life.

   So, during the years of 2020-22 I lived a plain life and I lost most of my skills in drawing, painting and writing during my stay at the science stream and was experiencing the downside of it more tremendously rather than the benefits. So, while changing to humanities stream I did not have any idea about how to write a creative essay or to understand something by viewing it using different lenses of perspective. So, I think if your interest changes to something which is entirely different from what you have had been experiencing for years do not look back but step in. By stepping into B.A in English Language and Literature course I got to know about the jobs available in the field of humanities and it is really very interesting to know about the various options and the flexibility to move on to different major programs for your post graduation.

    Hence, in my opinion if you want to enter an entirely new world in your studies or in your career path, choose something that is going to bridge your gap and which is going to expose you to a variety of options available. If you are someone who have been purely engrossed in your current field but you want to change it after you have attained the required skills, do not stop yourself. When you make an entry in a pre-planned manner choose something that starts to bridge the gap which might exist between you and the future world to make the shift a pleasant and a blessed one.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Prose 23 : Dream Course

 Dream Course
                                     - T ABRAHAM

    Many of us have dreams and many of us dream literally while sleeping and the other one is nothing but one's vision in life about what we want to pursue and what career path we want to take up in our future. Here, I am going to describe about the goals which I had in my life and upon what factors it changed according to time and what am I planning next for the upcoming year of 2025.

    When we decide something about what we want to pursue and what kinds of job you are really interested in and going to take up once you attain your stage, we can let our decisions keep changing but should not give way for it to waver. One's decision, if getting changed due to some acceptable and considerable factors can be permitted but if one is going to let one's decision waver even though you have once decided and have changed it just because of other people's opinion you are going to get lost in the dark.

    So, during my childhood days I wanted to become a software engineer and I was very firm in it till my early days of my 10th grade. But I do not like 'Mathematics' and 'Physics' so during my 10th grade I found out that I am interested in 'Biology' and 'Chemistry' and I have decided just to give a try for NEET UG. During the application process for class 11th I chose Biology- Computer Science group and I wanted to become a biotechnology engineer and I wished to enter the domain of research and development. Since, the eligibility for this course needed 'Mathematics' I did not want to take up 'Mathematics' but I wanted to go for B.Sc Biology Research program which was offered by IISc Bangalore. But since most of my cousins were doing their B.E in CSE I was forced to take up 'Mathematics' and it was the worst possible thing that happened. Even though I had applied for Biology without Mathematics I was forcibly pushed into the Biology with Mathematics group.

    Even though it was making things difficult I was willing to give my best for the KVPY 2020 which was the entrance test for admission into IISc for the B.Sc Research programs. But I miserably failed to clear the exam which was a great distress for me during my 11th grade as it was my only hope to get away with the B.E in CSE which I would be forcibly be introduced to when I complete my 12th grade. Since, it was the pandemic lockdown period which was going on during my 11th grade with all the practical sessions getting cancelled it was quite less burdensome to some extant. Then comes the regular offline sessions of the 12th grade with it's full fledged practical classes. I was totally shattered when I found out that I was totally clueless about the practical aspect of this course and rather than the advantages I fell into all the disadvantages happening in this course. I have decided just before the day of my CBSE board results that, I would not be continuing in science anymore.

    Then, on the day of my results I did not get flying colours in all my subjects but I scored well in my Biology and English with 90% in both these subjects. But I did not want to choose Biology anymore. I wanted to switch to Humanities and it was something quite challenging to convince the whole family upon one end forcing you to take up a B.E in CSE atleast in the management quota on the other hand you trying not to enter a course which you do not want to pursue further. Then, in humanities there were plenty of options available from the basis of all, that is, from Philosophy to the scientific based Psychology. I wanted to choose either Political Science or History for my under graduation but since I did not have both these under my 12th grade course I had only the option of trying for English Language and Literature at two of the colleges where it was available that is, Madras Christian College and Loyola College. I got selected under the last list which was released for the merit based screening at Madras Christian College and I wanted Political Science but I did not get any notification of getting selected in it.

    So, 'Do I regret for joining B.A in English Language and Literature course ?' the answer is a plain 'no'. Even though I have an aversion towards the grammar component and the language component of this program I have come to know about many things and I have got a good command over my writing and communication in terms of English as the medium used for it. During my schooldays I was totally away from novels and I only got the opportunity to read poems, essays and short stories. Even though many of my classmates read a lot of novels during their schooldays I was a person who did not get an opportunity to read them. The first two novels that I loved reading are 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Jane Eyre' which were easy to comprehend with and was written in simple language.

    Then, coming to my writing journey, I was able to publish two books of poetry which were titled as 'I ADMIRE YOU - A SELF-ADMIRATION OF MY INNER FEELINGS' and 'LOUD INNER VOICE : Multiple Voices Ringing Inside'. Myself and the art of writing poetry or the art of writing in general were like things that cannot meet face-to-face with each other. But my dormant writing faculty was brought into action by 3 of my professors who were constantly encouraging me and motivating me towards my writing journey till I reached my destiny. These two books were something which I have never thought about in my life and it was made possible only because of the will of God present in my journey. My failures in science stream have thought me that I did not choose something which was less valuable than science but I am able to hone my skills which are more valuable than an IT job and the money one can earn through it.

   So, I did not choose English as my path forever but something that would land me into the world of humanities. This degree program introduced me indirectly to the other branches present inside it. Then, as it was said earlier I wanted to do my M.A majoring in something else other than English as it has helped me more than required to establish a domain in humanities and it has bridged my gap which existed during my last two years of schooling without humanities.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Prose 22 : Quest For Truth - Completion Of The Book Of Books

Quest For Truth - Completion Of The Book Of Books
                                                                -  T ABRAHAM

    All of us can read anything and everything if we know the language of the manuscript of the work we take for reading. The materials available to us range from works of truth to works of creativity. There are subjects available around us in plentitude which starts from the very basis of all writing which is the foundation and easy to comprehend subject which is none other than 'PHILOSOPHY' to the one which demands the use of our memory power or the conscious use of our mind which are the subjects of the broad domain of 'SCIENCE'. The above two domains are in two extreme ends of a see-saw and there is a shift possible from the 'SCIENCE' TO 'PHILOSOPHY'  but the vice versa is not possible. The term 'PHILOSOPHY' is something which in turn includes various other subjects within it and one such division is 'THEOLOGY' which in turn is a term attributed with the 'RELIGION'. There are different types of 'THEOLOGY' like the most widely known or the universally well known, that is, 'Christian Theology' and the one of the eastern origin, that is, 'Hindu Theology'. So, here we are going to focus upon the foundation stone of the religion of Christianity which is the foundational text upon which this study is primarily focused upon.

    It is known that 'Holy Bible' is one of the surviving texts on this earth which only speaks the truth and it is something that is written by the divine inspiration put into the minds of the men who wrote this book which comprises of many books within it. The 'Bible' is a text where one cannot find the personal elements influencing the text. This is the only book that talks of both the good and the bad qualities of every great characters upon which the books revolve upon and both about one's rise and downfall. So, it is an unbiased material which not even at a single point showed the nature of bias and it stayed neutral like a water in it's pure state with it's pH level at 7.

    Many of us, especially the Christians have the urge to read this book of books but many a times we are focused upon our academics and our work based texts and we ignore the Bible. During my schooldays I had the urge to start reading the Bible from the first Book of Genesis to the Last Book of Revelation but I was not inspired by anybody to have any drive and interest in reading the religious text. Then, during my 2nd semester at my I UG level I had this course titled 'Christian Studies' which gave me some inspiration to start with the New Testament but I read for one week and my inspiration was gone to the level zero. Then, after the New Year day of 2023 we had our Christian Studies classes for about a month and in the end of January 2023 I was inspired by the classes and having this paper as a compulsory component gave me a drive towards completion of the New Testament which was made systematic by the 'New Testament in 90 days' methodology followed in this paper. I successfully completed the 'New Testament' of the Bible during the end of my I UG.

    Then, I have started with the Old Testament the very same year but at first I completed reading the Book of Psalms on 02/10/23 which I have started on 21/08/23. Then, I started with the Book of Genesis which I was able to complete on 28/10/23 and then I completed the Book of Exodus on 13/11/23 and moving on to the other books of the Bible,

Book of Leviticus was completed on 27/11/23,

Book of Numbers was completed on 25/12/23,

Book of Deuteronomy was completed on 11/01/24,

Book of Joshua was completed on 23/01/24,

Book of Judges was completed on 01/02/24,

Book of Ruth was completed on 02/02/24,

Book of 1 Samuel was completed on 17/02/24,

Book of 2 Samuel was completed on 28/02/24,

Book of 1 Kings was completed on 10/03/24,

Book of 2 Kings was completed on 22/03/24,

Book of 1 Chronicles was completed on 06/04/24.

    Then, today on 22/04/24 I have completed the Book of 2 Chronicles. This is a never ending journey which once started would keep on going forever. This journey was reaching it's next level as I have decided after the completion of my I UG that I wanted to opt in for the Interdisciplinary Elective course during my II UG offered by the Department of Philosophy (Aided) titled 'Introduction To Christian Theology' to make the spirit of reading the Bible to keep on refreshing itself by the ideas which are presented to us through this course which would help me make my Bible reading journey a more valuable one. The course made me understand and interpret the Holy text in a standardised and in a systematic manner. I was willing to take up this course as I had a paper titled 'Social Ethics' during my I UG which presented me to the basics of Philosophy as we had many topics about the basic concepts of philosophy in it.

    Reading this Holy text and reading our academic and work texts and books is something that adds more value to our intellect as one delves into all the three domains namely - 'academics', 'spirituality' and 'societal knowledge' which makes one into a true 'human' with a mind to understand life in it's way, about the sphere of goodness and the sphere of evil. To read this Book of books one needs to get the inspiration and one should not give up at any cost but to keep reading it till our last minute of existence on this planet where we dwell.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Prose 21 : A Nostalgic Year

 A Nostalgic Year
                                 - T ABRAHAM

    The feeling of going back in time to a particular period of timeline of our life is something that everyone wishes for. Usually we love to go back to the years which brought in the shades of happiness and peace in our life. The years before 2020 were the years where most of us would like to travel back and look upon. We all know that life is a composition of both ups and downs and the way we move up, we come down to the same position and maintain our neutrality. Here, I am going to describe about the nostalgic year of 2019 or the year just before the pandemic.

    This year was something that marked the beginning of some of the major events of my life. This year was something very important to me as I was about to take my first board exam and also I got many things which I have been yearning for years to get.

    This was the year when I got my second foreign currency and it belonged to Japan and during the start of the year I witnessed a transformation happening in my surroundings as well. During the previous year my friends and I were separated when we were segregated for classes and during my 10th grade we reunited back as during the process four of us were there in the 'B' section of the 10th grade. It was really a very pleasant time that we all spent together. This was the only time back in school we were together inside the same classroom for one year, with the people whom you can truly share things without any trust issues prevailing.

    Then, when I come to the academics part of this year I would say it was comparatively less stressful than the years 2020-22 when I did my Biology-Mathematics group which was against my will and wish. We had many written projects but it was an interesting part of this class. When I come to the teachers who have taught us during this year, they were amazing. The subjects which I dislike the most were 'Mathematics' and 'Physics' and I got really very knowledgeable teachers who catered to the needs of every sphere of students and even the ones who have a total aversion towards these two subjects can score well and not just that, you would understand and learn things rather than just memorising and writing as it is.

    The syllabus for all my subjects were the most interesting part in this class. It had a very nature of starting from the scratch and one can learn even if one is not equipped with the basics of the science, mathematics and every other subjects present. So, this year I visited my native for the 3rd time and it was one of the times I cannot forget. It was after a very long break I have visited my relatives at Kanyakumari.

    This year creates a nostalgia in my mind as it can be described as a 'perfect year' or a 'fruitful year' or the 'flawless year' which made way for me to learn many new things in my life even though they were of a very rudimentary nature. This year was a time when one thinks upon a time when we were not afraid of the virus and no physical contaminant intervened in human relationships and the following years are the ones which brought in much pains for the whole world and for me everything was drifting on it's own course of action and I did not have any control over my academics, time and the stressful sleepless nights accompanied with the 'Mathematics' and 'Physics' which were an addition to my burden of the following two years.

    If only this year of 2019 was the only year where I was able to spend time in my hobbies the following years were the downward movement in the life's rollercoaster which has fully come down and once again starting to rise to it's positive side from the year 2023 but once again from the year 2024 it is tending towards the hardships. Such a year would never come back and it is a memory to cherish forever.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Prose 20 : Collecting As A Hobby

 Collecting As A Hobby
                                     - T ABRAHAM

    Hobby is something that most of us spending our free time in some way or spending ones leisure time in some activity that cools and calms down one's mind and body. This activity is a break from our routine to gain back our energy and to refresh our spirit. Hobbies range from signing, dancing, drawing, colouring, reading, writing and this list is a never ending list flowing like an ever flowing stream. From this list of hobbies we are going to see about having the habit of 'collecting something' as a hobby.

    Collecting or collection is an activity where one collects things which are not easily available or is not seen in one's locale. Collecting stamps, coins, currencies, chocolate wrappers and books are seen among people and these are known to be some of the most famous things considered as a collection in one's hobby.

    So, the things which I collect as a part of my hobby are the currencies of the foreign nations which I usually get from my relatives and cousin who go to these nations as a part of their work and these are from Thailand, Japan and Dubai. I got my first foreign currency in the year 2017 and my second one in the year 2019 and it was given to me in the start of the year which was a sign that the year is going to be mine and it was definitely a wonderful year and a one that creates the feeling of nostalgia when thought upon.

    My collection of currencies not only contains the notes and coins of other nations but the old and the expired currencies of India as well. These when kept as a collection gives one a feeling of calmness to look into them during our leisure time.

    Then moving on to the stamp collection, we can see the stamps available in the current year and some of the older ones as well. For this collection I purchased a few fresh stamps to be kept in collection and only a few were received either via post or from certain random envelopes. The stamp collection is restricted to the stamps of our nation.

    So, for one to say something as a hobby it need not be a physical activity or an intellectual activity giving us comfort during our leisure time, but it can be something that can enter through our vision which gives calmness and energy to one's body and mind.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Prose 19 : A Part Makes Up A Whole

 A Part Makes Up A Whole
                                         - T ABRAHAM

    Many of us live in nations where either the royal family rules or either one person rules with the whole power lying on him and upon his group of decision makers, these two systems are governments are known as the monarchy and the dictatorship respectively. Everyone of us are aware about yet another form of government which exists in this world which is the "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" which marks the very essence of the democratic form of government and these words are the words of Abraham Lincoln which was addressed to his people in his famous speech at Gettysburg. So, we are going to see the foundation stone which marks the growth of this government and how it sustains itself overtime.

My First Vote Denoted With The Ink, 2024.

    Reading and getting to know about many things is something that most of us do, but do we make any attempts to apply it in our lives is a big question to think upon. When science has a space called as laboratory to perform it's application as experiments the laboratory of the humanities is the very events of life that takes place everyday. The experimentation is unlimited and the doors and source are open for us and opened by us. So, there is no restriction to perform one's practical sessions and it is at times time bound but one can do it with ease.
    So, today's practical session was based upon the root of democracy, or the very point from where it can start itself from. The government is consisting of people who are elected by the people and this is the very basis for one to delve into the very essence of this system of government. When one is provided with the element of freedom one should try to use it and should not ignore it and at the same time one should neither overuse it nor misuse it. The freedom when not used paves it's way towards one getting suppressed and at the same time this is the case when it is either misused or overused as well.
    In this system people does not try experimenting the system and loose their freedom when they do not vote. Voting and electing one's desired candidates is something that is really very essential for the right and just humans to take up the position of ruling a nation. This is many a times is being ignored by the large crowd and lesser the votes the infamous ones step inside the functioning of the government. The basic element of voting is something that is available for someone who has reached the age of 18 years in India and one can start becoming a responsible citizen by starting to vote.
    Many of us are not bothered about the voting rights we have and we often do not even care if our vote gets wasted by not being used. If not this year you have turned 18 or if you have missed your vote, do not worry but the next time when you become eligible use your freedom properly and benefit yourself.
    Hence, when we use the freedom we have properly we not only give one hand support but this turns into a small crowd and this in turn turns into a society which makes the change. A small question to you all from me, 'have you all voted today ?' If yes, drop yes in the comment section below.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Prose 18 : A Step Closer To God's Own Country

 A Step Closer To God's Own Country
                                                     - T ABRAHAM

    It is seen that where we live is somewhere very far away from where we belong to. The place where we live is the place where we have moved for different purposes which is mainly because of our job location and for educational purposes. The place where we belong to is in short referred to as our 'native' and we find our roots there. So, the thing we are going to focus is upon one's native place or the place where one belongs to. Here, I am going to describe about the place which is one step closer to the state of Kerala but it is in Tamil Nadu and this is where I belong to but I live in Chennai. In this space I am going to bring you to the district of Kanyakumari and also we would be seeing some my insights after the fourth visit to my native last year in 2023.

Nagercoil Town Railway Station, 2023

    So, the time when you step upon the soil of Kanyakumari from Chennai you feel freshness surrounding you which brings in the dead spirit inside you back to life. I am living in the heart of the Tamil Nadu for almost 19 years and 13 days amongst the smoke and fog that surrounds me all the time. The life at the heart of any place is like the human heart continuously pumping the life blood to sustain the human life, the movement in Chennai is like this heart which keeps on functioning to live rather than just to survive. The time I was born I was in this air of rapid movement which is an ever going condition which may make one tired and weary due to the excess of pollution one can witness and it has somehow hindered my breathing process.
    The pollution and the exceeding heat of Chennai is it's specialty and the only reason for one to live here is just because we live here for years. When moving back in time a few decades ago, grandfather was transferred to Chennai and he was transferred to the Madras Medical College to serve as the assistant professor for English to teach the M.B.B.S students of that time who had a course paper in English back then. The time came when everything was moving ahead but the place we lived was not to move and to remain constant. The time came when my first cry was heard in the year 2005 and till now the place has not changed much. My first visit to my native place took place at a time when I was not aware of what was happening around me so the 'four' visits which I am going to describe are the one's when I became aware of my surroundings and the time when I reached a stage where I can recollect things from my memory.
    The visits starts from the year 2011, as it was my first visit to my grandparent's who were living there. The first time visit was very similar to stepping into a new place but with a feeling of closeness and belongingness. During the first visit we went to the Kanyakumari sea shore where for the first time I witnessed the sea shells in the sea shore and have collected a few and brought them to my home at Chennai and then we visited the exhibition which happens there every year and finally the main purpose for our visit was to attend one of our relative's wedding. The day of departure was something that was inevitable and which was always quite hard as we turn back to our daily routine at Chennai. The time when we boarded the train and came back home the feeling of weariness and fatigue starts to surround inevitably.
    My second visit was in the year 2014, and this time we were not being welcomed heartily because many of my other relatives were also there at my grandparent's house and it was quite a burden for them to receive us as one among the addition to the crowd which was already present there. Our visit was limited to the yearly exhibition alone and to a few all time favourite shops of my family. This year was quite a tragic year in my family history as my grandfather living with us in Chennai was of ill health after we came back to Chennai. In a month after we came home his health was deteriorating and he passed away on this very same year.
    Then, about my third visit and this was the time which can be referred to as a year filled with a lot of happiness and riches waiting for us. My third visit was on the year 2019 and it was a year wherein many of the important choices were to be taken as I was facing my boards this year. This time the crowd at my grandparent's house was quite less and we were welcomed with a warm welcome and this was the time when I felt I stepped into the paradise for the third time even though our visits were after a longer duration of time.
    A stressful and gloomy year was waiting for the whole world in the year 2020 and it was the time when I wanted to opt in for the Biology- Computer Science or the pure science stream offered at my school but was forcefully incorporated into the Biology- Mathematics stream which was very stressful with the Mathematics being the greatest burden which made me dislike the stream and also dislike the idea of joining B.E . or B.Tech and I did not want to pursue science further because of the improper methodology used to teach Mathematics and Physics at my school. The years passed and I was in the year 2023 and this was my fourth visit to my native after the post-pandemic period. This time we visited my other set of grandparents who are ever loving and caring and would like to welcome us even if they have quite a huge crowd at their place. This time we visited a variety of places and since I also switched my stream even though I was compelled to take up Mathematics and Physics during my 12th grade I was able to convince all of my family members about my decision to change my stream so I felt very light-hearted and fresh when I came to my native this time.
    We visited quite significant places and we also had a nice time. During all these four visits I felt rejuvenated, refreshed and a new spirit coming inside me when I land in the railway station just like how Miss Elizabeth Bennet feels her spirits to have calmed down when she was at Pemberley. The place where one belongs to, is a place where nature has made you and it makes one feel close to the nature and especially this place is very special as it is very near to the state of Kerala so this place is one step closer to but not inside 'God's own country'.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Prose 17 : The Dormant Writing Faculty

 The Dormant Writing Faculty
                                            - T ABRAHAM

    Many a times we underestimate our potential or sometimes we may not know about ourselves. It is very important that first one has to know about himself and then one can define one's self in a more detailed manner. The things which usually one fails to add on when trying to define is something that is present innately but one is not aware about it. This innate quality would have never came even in one's dream or is an unthinkable and even impossible when one deliberately thinks upon it. So, here I am going to describe how I found out my writing skill which was lying inside dormant for years and how it awoke from it's sleep.

    It is known that everyone of us write and we can write anything from our notes, projects and assignments to writing books. But have you ever thought whether can you write poems and prose of your own which originates from your mind rather than just reading the poems written by great poets and essayists. For writing one needs information, experience and knowledge about what one is going to focus upon.

    During my schooldays I have heard people say that they write poems and many take part in essay writing contests. But I have never thought about it and I always have in my mind that I do not posses any information with me for any random topics presented to me. So, the years passed by with me always reading and learning for my exams, assignments and seminar (which rarely takes place during my schooldays). To be plain in describing myself and the knowledge which I possessed during my schooldays is something that cannot be applied to my life and most of the times it went on from memorising without understanding.

    During the two years in science stream was something I would never forget. There was a lot of memorising process involved rather than understanding, except for 'Biology' and 'English' which were some of my favourite subjects. The idea of me writing a creative article or an essay or a poem was totally an impossible case and I have never even thought about it in my dreams. But unexpected things happen at unexpected times. After being in science stream without any humanities subjects made me quite stressful during my board exams. I did not like the subjects which I had and especially 'Mathematics' which I totally had an aversion and was forced to take it up to make my way into engineering by force. My dislike for 'Physics' is something that is yet another thing which made me totally become repulsive towards my family's decision for me to take up engineering.

    During the middle of my science course I have decided I would only take up either B.Sc in Botany or Zoology or Microbiology and was trying to convince my family about it. Finally I convinced them but the main problem is the practical aspect of these subjects. Since, I was doing my science stream during the pandemic which turned the path which I wanted to choose. After my boards my results were delayed since I belonged to CBSE and I decided just before the day of my results that I wanted to pursue humanities and I do not want to continue in science any more.

    Then, on the midnight of 24th July 2022 I applied for B.A English Language and Literature course at Madras Christian College under the aided stream with a doubtful mind whether will I make it into the course. On the day of my result which was on 22nd July I applied for B.A Political Science and came to know the next day that humanities and commerce stream students are preferred for admissions into the Political Science degree program. Even I applied for B.A History at Loyola College under the aided stream and it was again filled with many doubts. So, finally in the time of my waiting I was totally distressed whether is it possible to switch from science to humanities and I got my answer on 25th July 2022 the very next day after my application was sent. It was around 10 o'clock in the night when I checked my mail and found a mail from Madras Christian College which was sent to me during the evening around 6:30 pm. I opened the file and came to know that I got selected for B.A English Language And Literature and was asked to complete my fee payment and enrollment by 27th July. So, I was overjoyed after the period of waiting and this was the day I truly got the feeling of happiness which I have lost in the year 2020 after enrolling and getting totally stressed by the science stream subjects.

    Then, I found it quite hard to cope up with the change even though I have switched my stream. I have opted in for this degree program because it exposes one to all the other streams which are present in humanities. So, I got a clarity that I wanted to do some other course in humanities after the completion of B.A in English Language And Literature. But first I have to contribute something to this field and should contribute something for it. Then, during my third semester in this course I had an allied course titled 'Practical Introduction To Literature' where I got my first activation energy to my dormant faculty and I started to write three poems and then wrote poems everyday and then one day after the approval from my professor I published my first collection of 50 poems as a book on 16th November 2023. Then my next set of 50 poems was published as a book on 7th March 2024. My writing faculty came into it's existence only after the motivation and encouragement which I received from 3 of my professors who made me understand what was present inside me. The 50 poems were completed within a time of around 2-3 months and this is something that I have not even thought about in my dreams.

    The process of writing and publishing something in a span of few months was something that was never thought about by me. I would definitely like to thank all the contributors in aiding to wake up my dormant writing faculty which made me define 'Who I am?', 'What can I do?' and 'What are my skills and talents?'.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Prose 16 : A Gradual Process Of Shifting

 A Gradual Process Of Shifting
                                                          - T ABRAHAM

    Whenever we want to move from our current position to our desired position or destination we make some efforts and also some adjustments are required to be made from our side when we are moving. 'Reaching' one's destination is something that always makes us travel in a road which we might have thought or would have never thought about. The progress is something that indicates a tendency of moving but not yet reached the point which commands one to pause or stop. There are shifts in terms of a physical locale and also shifts in one's mind and career paths. We are here to ponder upon the shift in one's mind that leads one to his dream career path.

    The change in a small scale is something that is quite easy to cope up with and one's mind gets used to it when one starts accepting it. The changes in time schedule or minor food menu changes can be accommodated by one's mind but these are something which happens everyday. So, the thing I am trying to emphasise here is the change one makes in one's career, which is quite a major change. Here, I am going share my shifting process from a purely a science background shifting into the humanities stream.

    So, we all know that science is something that deals with a lots of facts or it is something that is filled with a lot of things to memorise and does not have much to do with creative thinking and writing. For someone who has tried to excel in science and have a burning desire towards the life sciences, it is something more than just studying these facts but also to memorise the specimens and also to memorise by drawing. I felt that biology creates artists whose art demands quite some perfection to identify certain elements in their drawings and it just needs one drawing with clear distinctions amongst the intricate details present within something.

    You can see that I am emphasising upon the term 'memorise' or 'memorising' and this frequent usage of this term by me indicates that I memorised a lot but many a times I failed to memorise some. The content needs to be limited and should be presented in neat bullet points and one should not present the audience with the information which can be elaborated upon but it should not be done. The only thing which I heard after my paper getting evaluated is that 'I write a lot' or 'more information is present rather than what is required'. These remarks always triggers the spark of anger as I am used to write as I wish and like but presenting the error free information.

    Even though I love the theory of life sciences, the practical aspect always disgusted me and I usually don't get the desired results and it always varies from the fixed results which has to be presented. When I saw all these during my 12th grade in the year 2022 I have decided I am not going to continue any longer in science and I want to be myself in my answer scripts rather than memorising things and presenting it. So, I did not wanted to apply for any of the science courses available even though I was eligible to apply and can make it into the institution with pure merit criterion.

    The next thing was to move into humanities stream, but how to move? and where to start from? were the questions. It is also a fact that it is hard to convince your family members about switching from science to humanities and it is tough when you are totally eligible for all the science programs. So, humanities is something that has a lot to do with creativity and it should be useful for the one who pursues it rather than filling our wallets after completion of the program. When I was searching for the starting point I got to know about how communication and command over reading and writing are very essential for humanities and how one has to develop in these spheres to survive in this stream. So, I was making a gradual shift with the help of B.A in English Language and Literature program which would help me to get a rudimentary knowledge about humanities by displaying the broad array of all divisions present inside this stream.

    The difficulties that I faced during this were many in number but I would like to point down a few. Firstly, the shift in the format of writing from bullet points to paragraph answers which needs a lots and lots of information inside your mind. Then, to inculcate the habit of reading rather than studying to memorise. Then, when it comes to creative content creation it needs a lot of creative content in turn to be given to us to create our own content soon. The shift was really a slow process and it took around two years for me to fully understand how to deal with this particular stream which does not demand one to stress upon it. Hence, switching between streams is not difficult but rather getting used to it and the time consumed in this process is something very significant.

Poem 280 : Calloused Sensation

  Calloused Sensation                                - T ABRAHAM (SOURCE: AI GENERATED IMAGE) Cheerlessness with its heavy hardness, The dry...