Sunday, April 28, 2024

Prose 28 : Candies And Sweets Of Childhood

 Candies And Sweets Of Childhood
                                                - T ABRAHAM

    One among the tastes that our taste buds sense is 'sweet' and we all loved candies and sweets when we were young. The sweetness imparted by cakes, candies, chocolates and sweets are the elements used during our childhood to create some memories to cherish, which are sweet to remember. The sweetness of the candies and chocolates are not preferred by people when they are tending towards their adulthood and upon becoming adults.

    The sweetness is seen in innocent children who love these sweets which gives them joy and happiness. The adulthood symbolizes responsibility and commitment towards the works that we undertake and only focusses upon how mature one is to handle any situation. The ultimate aim of adults is to move on as quick as possible in terms of looking after the ever moving life which is in a fast moving track. Amidst all the challenges and difficulties that comes across, the aim is to provide quality service to our authorities and progressing in our life.

    To enjoy the sweetness imparted by these 'candies and sweets' one has to have time to relax and enjoy the moment of sweetness. The 'moment of sweetness' or the 'moments of sweetness' are available to one when they are in their childhood days as the quality of innocence is yet another thing which is as sweet as these cadies imparting sweetness. The innocent child upon becoming a mature adult or a responsible adult is no longer able to find these 'moments of sweetness' in anything but needs to run along with the world filled with responsibility, integrity, sincerity, timelessness and perfection.

    As a child one does not see how perfect a birthday gift matches with one's purpose or neither does not try to estimate the value of things but can accept things whenever one receives them. A child does not think about the purpose of life or about the inevitable death. The innocent mind does not experience strong grief or pain in situations that a mature mind can respond and react in a few seconds of time.

    Thinking about these candies and sweets and the sweetness they impart to one is something that brings in a feeling of nostalgia to one. The sweet childhood memories of carefree days and about the abundant time available in one's hand brings about a feeling of comfort. The only time for a mind to calm down is the time of vacation. The sweet candies and the sweetness in the childhood nostalgia are memories to cherish but the nature is the same but the time has passed on. One can think and find comfort in these times but we cannot travel back to those times in reality.

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