Poem 53 : Keeps Changing
Keeps Changing - T ABRAHAM https://blog.readytomanage.com/change-management-cartoon/ Flowing just like the river, Flows just like the lava, Flows like the air dispersed around, So does these flow to mix, So is my thoughts that keeps flowing, Flowing to different spheres, Flowing like an ever-flowing stream, Flows to mix or just flows to join, Just like a tiny drop disperses, So does the idea, That one small drop, That does not let us differentiate, So does this idea mixes with my thoughts, Good ones to culture good, The destructive ones to be evaded, So does our opinions, Everything is prone to many factors, Just as the clock, talk and space influence me, So does my thoughts change, As the world develops, so do I, Not prone to change at times, But prone to change sometimes, Can there be a state of rest? Can there be a state of satisfaction? Do as your mind and heart speaks, Take the good and discard the bad, Don...