Sunday, January 5, 2025

Short Story 19 : The Sun Burn

The Sun Burn
                           - T ABRAHAM

    It was a busy weekend for Pinky. The day was hotter than the other days. Pinky felt that the sun is penetrating directly upon her. ‘Why is the day hotter than usual?’, Pinky questioned and went to sleep a little early than the other days. There was a power cut during the night time and Pinky was sweating profusely. Pinky had a dream which was influenced by the sun.
    Pinky was standing on a podium and was addressing the audience who have come to participate in the storytelling contest. Pinky began her story, ‘It was the time when the sun started to play hide and seek. Some days it does not give its light upon the earth and would be in hiding during the day time. The favourite hiding spot of the sun is behind the moon. One day the moon asked the sun, ‘Why are you playing with the earth? It harbours a variety of lifeforms which requires the light and sunshine from you. If you are going to stay hiding behind me for a longer duration of time there would be many deaths in the earth. If that happens you are solely responsible for all the loss that happens’. The sun said, ‘Stop advising me moon! I know what to do and what not to do. These humans are the most insane of all beings. They can even produce the light of their own. Nothing productive is going on but all sorts of non-sense is progressing on earth. The earth is only seen to be going towards its regression and no improvements have been witnessed till this day’. ‘But think about the plants and animals who doesn’t have anything to do with what you are telling me. Don’t take the blame of killing the poor animals’, said the moon. The sun did not reply back but thought about this for some days.
    After this conversation the sun has decided to remain in its place. One day it was caught by insanity and decided to burn down the planet earth. Then the sun slowly started its journey towards the earth. When the moon had noticed this, it was trying to intervene and intercede and stop the destruction. But as a result the moon was burned down by the sun. ‘You cannot stop me moon. I am going to burn down the earth’, the sun screamed and landed over the earth. The earth was burning down to ashes and everything and everyone were panicking. Many voices amidst the crowd were heard telling each other, ‘It is because of the global warming! The hole in the ozone layer! Ozone has been completely depleted’. The sun was joyously seated over the planet earth and when half of the planet was destroyed suddenly the stars have started to shoot the sun. Suddenly there was a black hole approaching the sun and it tried to engulf the sun. ‘The devil is trying to engulf me’, cried the sun. Suddenly the stars shouted, ‘Stop your insane actions and return back to your position. The black hole will burst into pieces if you return to your position’. The sun moved away from the earth and went straight towards its dwelling place. As the stars have told, the black hole was burning down. But before the sun realised its mistake and had returned to its initial position, almost half of the earth was damaged. These places became the deserts and there was some water remaining on the earth. Majority of the places remained unaffected as the waters protected the earth’.

    Suddenly Pinky woke up from her dream. Then the power came amidst the darkness and Pinky got terrified and started to cry out ‘The sun has come to burn me down’, and realised after a moment that it was the light bulb which she had left switched on to know whether the power has come or not. Then she calmed down and turned off all the lights and went back to sleep.

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