Short Story 3 : The Black Bear

 The Black Bear
                             - T ABRAHAM

    It was during one of the coldest nights during the summer season. There was a half-dead teddy bear found lying in the corner of the street where only the Eddies lived. The house was the only one that was located in the street and there was a forest nearby. The teddy bear was torn apart and it's stuffing was laid down beside it. It was struggling for life and the sun was slowly coming out. It was a usual day but it was going to become an unusual one soon for the Eddies. Mr. Eddy was heading towards his workplace and when he came to the corner of the Vampire Street he saw this tiny bear lying on the ground which was in it's critical state. He called the ambulance and also called the Tedlin Police Station which was nearby and they all rushed towards the nearby hospital.


    Then Mr. Eddy after reaching the hospital along with the inspector Mr. Ruddy, Mr. Eddy asked him whether are there any crimes going on in their town. Mr. Ruddy replied, 'It seems like you are unaware of the incidents that has been taking place for quite some time. A psychopath is said to be roaming around the town during the night time who is deceiving the small teddy bears of our town. He appears in front of them to be a friendly being and once they build trust upon his words he takes them to the loneliest part of the town at the night time and stabs them and vanishes away'. They both were talking near the bed where the injured teddy bear was lying down.

    The teddy bear upon hearing the constable's voice started to blurt out, 'It was the huge black bear that lives in the forest near the Vampire Street' and then suddenly more stuffing started to come out and he continued, 'He deceived me and stabbed me with a sharp weapon which he had with him and he is found near the landfill during the daytime'. The nurse rushed in and in a few moments the teddy bear went into a deep sleep and it stopped breathing and they knew that he is no longer alive. Mr. Ruddy has filed a case regarding the psychopath and the words of this teddy bear was something that kept repeatedly ringing inside Mr. Eddy's mind.

    It was already evening and the sun was setting down. Mrs. Eddy noticed that something was worrying Mr. Eddy and she asked him, 'What has been bothering you ? You look so disturbed today and I have never seen you like this before'. Mr. Eddy looking straight into her eyes narrated the whole incident that had taken place and how disturbing it was to know that the black bear was living near their house.

    Then suddenly Mrs. Eddy told, 'Do you think he is roaming in our street once the darkness takes control during the night ? Because Stuffy would be returning back home today at the midnight after his tour with his friends. Will he return back safe ? He would not be accompanied by his friends because they live in the heart of our town. What if the psychopath is roaming around during the darkness of the midnight ?'. Mrs. Eddy looked straight into the eyes of Mr. Eddy and both had a chillness passing through their nerves. Mr. Eddy told that he would wait near their gate with a huge iron rod to hit the psychopath if he is anywhere around. Mrs. Eddy agreed but went to sleep with a heavy heart.

    It was twelve in the night where the darkness had it's full power over everyone's vision. Then Stuffy was seen at the corner of the street and Mr. Eddy was waiting for him inside the gate watching over him. Then suddenly a huge black bear from nowhere approached Stuffy and said, 'Hello, I am ....' and he was hiding a sharp object behind his back. Mr. Eddy rushed with the iron rod and smashed his head and grabbed Stuffy by his hand and ran into their house and locked the doors.

    Then there was a heavy and strong knock on the door which did not stop for a while and Mr. Eddy has called Mr. Ruddy and by the time he was about to reach, the knock on the door stopped and the cops tried to follow the psychopath but he went inside the forest and after this incident he was found nowhere around the town.


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