Nature's Influence On Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice

Nature's Influence On Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice

                                                                     - T ABRAHAM

    Whenever we read anything we are usually taken up by the earlier thoughts, descriptions and ideas being presented to us. We usually try to go along with the existing ideas about a work of art and we find ease in understanding it the way it is. But many-a-times some of us feel something unique being present inside the art that none other than our mind can sense. So, one among them in which I felt nature to be a minor theme yet a significant one is in Jane Austen's novel titled Pride and Prejudice and it turned out to be my first article to be published by the IJRAR journal.
    So, in Jane Austen's novels we usually come across the themes of marriage, love, gender and sexuality. It is always very clear that when we start reading any of Jane Austen's novels, we automatically start to connect it with the dominant themes and the crisis which these characters undergo. So rather than confining ourselves with these themes which are always dominant in the works of fiction during this time period of 1790-1830, we can also view nature being described by Jane Austen in her novels. Here, we are going to focus upon the description about nature and it's influence on Elizabeth Bennet given by Jane Austen and how it is clearly reflected in her first novel titled 'Pride and Prejudice (1813)'.

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