Draining Energy - T ABRAHAM
When we wake up in the morning we are filled in with energy which has been loaded into us through the process of sleeping. The energy is something that is very essential for everybody to do any work, which includes both the duties and responsibilities being fulfilled by the use of one's body and mind. The loaded energy is like any electronic device getting charged through the electrical current for it to function and there is some heat being dissipated when the process is in progress and when it is gets over. There is also some amount of heat present in our human body after the night's sleep and we start our work regardless of this. But the energy is sometimes getting drained out because of some of our harmful feelings and actions or at times by the environmental conditions prevailing in our places. So, here we are going to ponder upon how our energy get's drained without being used for any productive work.
The energy which we gain by sleep is many a times seem to get disturbed by our changing lifestyle patterns. It is known that, for one to get charged with the required amount of energy one needs to get a sufficient duration of sleep and when we disrupt the sleep-wake cycle by reducing our sleep there are consequences for the same and one would feel the need to get charged throughout the day. One's potential get's affected because of this and one cannot give his maximum potential in the work he does. So, the prescribed duration of sleep is required by everyone to use our full potential.
Then, moving on to the aspect of feelings and emotions that drain our energy. There is a belief that one's energy overflows when one witness the feeling of happiness and joy and becomes highly energetic and would be able to complete even a plentitude of tasks given to him. The opposite is also true, if the positive emotions are a factor of progression then the negative emotions that we acquire through sadness, anger and fear is a regression factor or an energy drainer. One finds even a very simple task to be a huge mountain present in front of him and he is totally drained out because of this. One with the issues of short-temperedness also faces a similar crisis but they fall behind in things that are to be done in a stipulated period of time because there is also a very abundant loss in time during the moments of quarrel and anger. There is a disruption in the art of time-management because of these feelings overpowering over one's self.
Finally, moving on to the environment or towards the unpredictable nature having control over it's own elements. When we talk about nature we think nature and humans are different. This notion is proved wrong as we coexist and we too are the elements present in the nature and it is not man inside nature but nature within nature. Even though we can predict man's feelings and actions, at times there are unpredictable and unacceptable actions and intentions present inside our fellow human race who does miserable things.
The nature has an inevitable influence upon the humans or it's very elements. The nature drains our energy due to the heavy and high intensity of the sunlight being passed upon us which causes one to sweat and thirst for water. The sweating or the draining out of our fluid energy for us to function is something that can be controlled, but can never be avoided.
Hence, when we think upon these three things that is, nature, feelings and sleep we can see that to the maximum extant one can control and alter our sleep habits and recharge us to the maximum. And one can mould himself into a better person by controlling one's anger and quarrels. The one thing in the aspect of feelings is, not to get 'afraid' nor to 'fear' for anything except for God who has created us by his own breath and hands. It is said that one has to conquer upon the fear and should not die out of fear rather than killing the fear or rooting the fear out of our minds. The inevitable aspect is the nature, so just alter your sleep and mould yourself into a good person to avoid draining your energy.
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