Thursday, August 31, 2023

Poem 10 : Can't Understand You

 Can't Understand You

                               - T ABRAHAM

Like the seasons on this earth,

I can't understand you,

Like the spring with flowers and birds singing,

Can't understand you,

Sometimes you laugh,

And tell me how happy you are,

Then suddenly you look confused,

Like the autumn with no leaves and animals put to sleep,

You tell me you are in a dilemma,

Then you scream,

I don't know why ?

But you tell me I irritate you.

Like a thunderstorm in the sky.

Then, you get to the highest of your temper,

Ignoring me and telling me you don't need me,

Like the sun which shines,

And gets the air the hottest,

Which drains all the water on the earth,

You drain me out at last.

Then as the showers come down suddenly during the summer,

You come back to me apologizing,

I take you back,

Just like the cycle of seasons,

So is the cycle of your feelings.

But no clear understanding is attained,

Not only by me,

But everyone on this earth,

Stands true universally to all,

I can't understand you,

And none can understand me.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Poem 9 : My Dwelling Place

My Dwelling Place
                                    - T ABRAHAM 
A place where I feel belonged,
A place which gives me energy,
Where there is abundance of peace, joy and happiness,
Once I reached there,
Nothing can pull me down,
Nothing can push me back,
No one can compare,
None other than I can reach and live there,
People can't find it,
It's there deep inside my mind,
Not visible to anyone,
Not a place found on the earth,
Worried that anyone can find this place,
Fear not, for this is the place which has the gate-keeper,
A gate-keeper who allows only that person,
The person who is humble, innocent and meek,
The ones who are fake are turned down,
None would enter other than you,
Fear not and trust,
Seek truth, find truth,
My dwelling place,
Simple, unique, peaceful,
Beautiful and pleasing to me,
Filled with genuine people to trust,
Guidance strongly connected with truth,
That's enough, no one can copy it,
It's unique, that's my dwelling place.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Poem 8 : Harsh Reality

 Harsh Reality

                                      - T ABRAHAM

Everyday or somedays,

Once in a week, or in a month,

Thunderstorms with swirling winds come,

Oh ! Why is it always this way ?

I weep, I cry seeing this season,

I groan, I mourn, I complain looking forward,

It seems I would get tossed,

Dilemma, fear, fever, fret, weariness, hopelessness,

Surrounds me like an island in the ocean,

With no visible boat to sail home,

With a sea that has sharks.

But suddenly the angels come,

To rescue, to carry me over all these feelings,

The toils and the anxious feelings goes out,

Like how Christ drove out the unclean spirit from the man,

Who was chained and bruised,

The harsh reality goes away,

Everything passes away,

Be it pleasant like spring,

Or harsh as the thunderstorm,

So adieu harsh reality,

There I go away from you.

To see the season of spring,

A boat to sail home,

To leave you and be happy forever.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Poem 7 : Why I don't know ?

 Why I don't know ?

                                  - T ABRAHAM

I heard it,

But I don't know what is she speaking,

I don't know from where did she get it.

I read the same book,

I watched the same videos,

But how come ?

I don't know ! I don't know !

What language is he speaking ?

What book is he reading ?

But it seems the same,

It's looks like the same German, Hindi, Tamil and English,

Which I too learn,

But the way it is let out, the way it is heard,

Tells me that I know nothing.

I told it to my dearest one,

The one who also feels the same,

Then, he told me,

In no way we lag behind,

It's just the differences that exist,

Everyone has different voice, slang and expression,

Everyone is unique,

Everyone lags in some and masters in other,

Now understood,

Why I didn't know everything ?  

That's the truth.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Poem 6 : Does it Prick Your Conscience ?

 Does it Prick Your Conscience ?

                                           - T ABRAHAM

When you don't know what to do,

When you hear someone speak,

About their plans which is theirs,

But you do what they were telling,

But you don't respect them,

You take all the appreciation for their ideas.

You are caught up with a test,

You don't know what to do,

You are peeping into someone else's ideas,

Does it not prick your conscience ?

The hard work and toil of other person,

Without their knowledge being scattered,

To someone who ill treats them,

But I don't know,

Whether it pricks your conscience or not,

Whether you feel guilty or not,

You bully them or talk ill of them,

Not matter what,

Some day you are conscience stricken,

And would live a life without peace and harmony,

It pricks your conscience soon.

Poem 5 : How Sweet to Hear

 How Sweet to Hear

                               - T ABRAHAM 

Whenever I hear it,

That gives me a connect,

It has something to say,

It can only speak to me,

That song or music,

Not a lover of songs or music,

But it kindles something in my heart,

Something in my mind,

Does it kindle nostalgia or something else ?

Does it bring back the sweet memories ?

Sweet images of friends,

That good, long run distant relationships,

Which are run through trust, faith and understanding.

A music or a song that keeps ringing in my mind,

Due to some reactions that are activated,

Due to these enzymes that drive these reactions,

Which gives me an energy,

Which heals my wandering soul,

Which calms my inner mind,

The song that speaks my life,

Which speaks the trials and tribulations,

The suffering that my soul has gone through,

To seek the almighty forever and ever.

Poem 4 : So Pleasing to See

 So Pleasing to See

                           - T ABRAHAM

When I open my eyes,

After a long time,

It's very pleasing to see the clear sky after the rain,

It's pleasing to see you after a long time,

Years have passed and many things have happened,

But our bond of friendship does not get weak,

I say it's pleasing to see you,

It gives me energy, joy and happiness,

Our beautiful friendship,

Our fights, our laughs, our heartbreaks.

It's pleasing to see the old uniforms that we wore,

In which we look the same and no inequality,

The shoes we wore,

The bag we took with us,

It's pleasing to see you,

It's pleasing to see the old memories,

The sweet memories coming in front of my eyes.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Poem 3 : At Last Found

 At Last Found

                       - T ABRAHAM

Whenever trying to find some solution,

Solution to problems,

Problems of life or mathematics,

First try, not the correct answer.

Then try again,

Second time, came near to the answer

But not right ! 

Little disappointment arises.

Try again says an energetic voice,

A voice that boosts tremendous energy to my mind.

The third time again,

But failed again, and again 

Going to give up,

' Please don't ', tells the good angel,

But, the devil tells, ' Give up ! '.

' Shut up you devil ! ', screams my soul.

Then, again and again failed,

But at last, getting tired of lump some failures,

One last time tried,

Guess what happened, that's it,

At last found it,

Found a long lasting solution.

Poem 2 : Why me ?

 Why me ? 

                          - T ABRAHAM

Whenever a problem arises,

Whenever something goes wrong,

Whenever things don't fall into their place,

Always seeing someone who doesn't cause any harm,

Always, but blame that person for all your misfortune.

Remember every action you have on that person,

One day reflects back with a higher blow at you,

Cause harm to the person ! 

Comes to your mind,

' Practice sadism, be a sadist ' Satan says,

The person asks to himself, ' Why me? '.

He knows the almighty is watching over,

Everything would Passover,

The sadistic intentions and impact made,

Would one day be healed.

Like a lava that oozes out of the volcano,

Brings destruction to the surrounding,

These sadists who triggered him,

Would soon stand in shame in front of him.

He who is harmed would be rewarded by the God,

For his innocence, politeness, meekness and kindness,

The reward is very big,

It's a grandeur from God,

He questions to God again, ' Why me? '

The realization then comes to him,

He is the chosen one.

Poem 1: A Cloud Named Doubt

 A Cloud Named Doubt

                                       - T ABRAHAM

Whenever, to decide about anything,

There always arises a cloud named doubt in my mind,

What to do next ? What not to do ?

Always puts me in a dilemma,

This cloud named doubt.

What to study ? Where to go ?

Always comes the cloud called doubt,

Always hiding the sunshine called the decision,

Always, always, this hides a clear sky called the mind,

But there you go clouds, the sunshine is peeping

Soon there comes the sunshine,

You have to burst out as rain and diminish

Then there stands a clear sky with the sunshine

And there ends the dilemma and the hardship,

This light leads me to my destiny,

And no cloud of doubt can arise.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Anglistik with Abraham - Youtube Channel

Hello everyone, this is my first video after posting my introduction video of my channel. This is a video for CBSE class 12th students. I hope this explanation for the above mentioned poem would be useful for you. Please like, share and subscribe to my channel for more content.
Thank You 

Poem 280 : Calloused Sensation

  Calloused Sensation                                - T ABRAHAM (SOURCE: AI GENERATED IMAGE) Cheerlessness with its heavy hardness, The dry...