Short Story 14 : The Birthday Gift
The Birthday Gift - T ABRAHAM Pinky has turned nineteen years old now. Time has passed like a stream of river going at its own phase with rocks and obstacles in between. The Blossom cottage has been renovated into a bungalow and it looks like a palace of the royal family. Mr. Cephal has retired recently and has moved to his brother’s house in the valley to have some change from his static life. It was during the beginning of the month of May. Mrs. Cephal and Pinky were the ones who were there in the cottage. (SOURCE: AI GENERATED IMAGE) Pinky had her birthday in the month of April and it is now almost a month since she had received the birthday gifts. She did not unwrap some of the gifts she had received from her friends as it was the time when she was having her exams. ‘When are you going to open the presents Pinky? I...