Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Prose 9 : Creation With Pencils And Brush Strokes

 Creation With Pencils And Brush Strokes
                                                          - T ABRAHAM

    It is a universal fact that the world we live in today is a world filled with a plentitude of colours and we live in a colourful world and these colours are sometimes pleasing to one's eyes and sometimes gives one's feelings some amount of life to be expressed pictorially about how one feels. Some artists use certain colours to evoke or to wake up certain emotions in the people. There are drawings and paintings that talks about history, famous personalities and definitely our loved one's. So, to know more about this creation one needs to know 'what innate qualities drives an artist to creation?' and 'what is needed apart from this?'

    So, firstly for one to create any work of art or anything for that matter one needs the skill to do it and you need not be a professional artist or a painter or a writer for that. One has to just posses the rudimentary skills required to create and this skill is present in everyone of us in a small quantity and at times absent in a few as well. The ones who owns these skills from birth are some people but not everyone.

    The innate quality is something that shows itself out only when situation comes or at times can be seen when one just makes an attempt in trying out something new and it's outcome is quite a tolerable creation which upon practice can turn itself into a masterpiece. The spirit of creation is at times present in it's state of dormancy and is awaken by a positive stimulus that urges it to make it's first attempt. The inability to create a perfect masterpiece is not wrong but it means that as the time and days pass on, your creation is going to step into it's next level.
    A 'pencil' is not something that is used to wear makeup or just to underline your textbook. The pencils which I refer to are the ones with which one can sketch and create sketches by shading it using differing darkness. These are referred to as the 'pencil sketches'. Another type of pencil available is the one that imparts colours to any pictures drawn and these colour pencils are the ones that are easy to use for the beginners who have started to test their drawing and colouring skills.
    Then, when we move onto the brush, it is not the brush strokes for wearing makeup nor the hairbrush but the paint brush. There are a different variety of paint brushes available and I refer to the miniature model which is used to paint in a canvas or over glass. The art of creation of painting can be at first started with the use of simple water colours and gradually can be shifted to the actual equipment needed for the creation of a masterpiece. The strokes at first made by the brush is quite irregular and improper but we can sense the original creation coming on it's way.
    Many of us think that any object has to be exactly replicated with it's actual form with the colours with which it is made up of. The simple truth is that, it is not copying it exactly which brings in the air of satisfaction to us and others, but the incorporation of one's own colours and the irregularities existing in it which brings out the artist inside us to showcase his talents. Hence, the most important thing to be noted while creating anything using the pencils and brush strokes is that, one has to be mindful to bring in your own element of creativity along with what is present in front of you and at the same time bear in mind that art has nothing to do with the exactness but only with the framework and guidelines that we follow to achieve the masterpiece.

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