Sunday, March 31, 2024

Prose 1 : One Human Body But Ten Fingers

 One Human Body But Ten Fingers
                                                         - T ABRAHAM

    Firstly, let me ask you readers a question, 'Why do we have the quality of doing a multiple things at a short span of time?' or 'Why are we always thrust upon with more and more responsibilities and not one at a time?', the answer is not so simple but not complex as well. The idea of multi-tasking is something very unique to the human beings, and every creation by God has some purpose and meaning within itself. The very idea of multi-tasking can be seen in the design of human body, mind and the benefits of multi-tasking seen is many.

    Multi-tasking is doing a multiple array of things which are either our everyday chores, duties or our personal interests. The very idea of multi-tasking is very clear from the one body and ten fingers we possess. The art of multi-tasking keeps oneself productive and demands one to use their full potential and not to waste one's precious skills and talents which are present innately from birth. It is clear that this art is something that is not always seen in a child but as a child grows older he becomes more responsible and wants to take up multiple job roles and also at the same time wants to pursue his passion and interests. The time when a child turns into an adolescent his faculty of thinking starts to work rapidly and automatically urges one to handle a multiple tasks at a single time.
    For example, if you are pursuing a degree program and your mind is urging you to multi-task and you perform at an average level during your first semester when you don't multi-task and you just spend your time in reading your books and doing your life processes, that is, consumption of food and having your time to entertain yourself. Your mind feels numb and you do not even use half of your potential. The scores in your exams might deteriorate if this continues for the rest of your college days. This might become worse if you have taken up a degree program which demands less study time and mostly demands less effort from you. Gradually it is evident that since you have a lot of time left you start to waste your golden hours of your life and start getting addicted to time killers and you start killing the beautiful time you are blessed with.
    I would like to emphasis upon the point that our faculty of body and mind are conditioned to work up to it's full potential and if we do not use our faculty properly we are going to lose it soon. The above mentioned case is a real-time experiment that can be tested upon any teenager who is in the age group of 17-22 years or upon adults as well.
    There is a famous saying 'An idle mind is a devil's workshop' and in idleness dark thoughts and evil can take it's root if our mind is not occupied and no fresh thoughts are moving inside. Multi-tasking is a tool that can drive the devil of laziness away as it keeps oneself thoughtful and mindful of one's duties and surroundings.
    So, now let us see how multi-tasking makes one more productive as well as more efficient and motivated when compared with people who take up a single task at a time.
    In this fast moving world there is always an urge for everyone to complete their paid labour as well as their unpaid labour. The term 'paid' is something very significant because it is a universal truth that only money can buy us the essentials we need for our life but at the same time there are duties we are bound with which would improve our skills and would mould us into good individuals these fall under the term 'unpaid'.
    When one does either one of the work, one's mind just keeps it's motto to complete the task and a single thought would be passing inside and out. This thought is something that does not makes one energetic but makes one's life boring and dry. When a person is imposed with multiple tasks at one time with every task with it's own deadline, one's mind tries to become energetic and a multiple array of thoughts flows in a manner of plentitude and makes one perform his work with utmost care and let him give his best of skills for a beautiful outcome and greater results. The outcome is an outstanding and a beautiful entity created out of multi-tasking whereas the one who did the same work without any other task to take up just displays us with the bare minimum he can perform.
    Thus, it is from this very idea of 'one body, but ten fingers' we have to realise the very purpose of our existence. We humans are born to use our full potential and handle multiple tasks at a span of a minutes or an hour. The energetic and thoughtful souls are the ones creating wonderful things and gives their maximum in all the array of tasks taken. So, multi-tasking is a key to perfection, success and development of one's self to see a better version of us.

Poem 135 : The Termination

 The Termination
                                 - T ABRAHAM

The art of termination,

A backup condition,

The mirror of trust broken,

With no way to mend,

The dead end reaches,

Where all the patience is gone,

The trust entity is rusted,

Silver lining corroded,

The brokenness of being broken,

The emotionless emotions turning up,

The wrath and anger pouring in his cup,

The dangerous anger like a dagger,

The meekness lying in the manger,

The sweetness gone,

The sourness came,

The bitter overpowering all,

The pestilence spreading in the air,

But none do not really care,

The termination attained,

The terminated entity.

Poem 134 : The Turning Wheels

 The Turning Wheels
                                    - T ABRAHAM

The rotating rotations,

The revolving revolutions,

The earth in it's moving sphere,

The sounds that I cannot hear,

The fast motions of life,

The fast chopping knife,

From the day one,

Till this very day,

Many changes ranging,

From up above it's hanging,

Bouncing back and forth,

The unstoppable growth,

Growth in physicality,

The beauty and the eyes,

The new personality,

The wheels turned,

The rolling of the dice,

The progression and regression,

The realisation of unattainable,

No concrete things available,

Nothing is forever,

The wheels keep moving,

Everything and everyone in motion,

In this vast life on an ocean.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Poem 133 : The Lost Essence

 The Lost Essence
                            - T ABRAHAM

Sourness is said,

But cannot feel sour,

Sweetness is said,

Never tasted sweet,

Bitterness is told,

Cannot feel the bitter taste,

Salted with salt,

But cannot feel it at all,

Spiced with pepper,

But cannot feel the spice,

My taste buds are numb,

A numbness in my tongue,

The words uttered,

Heard and felt,

No essence is present,

Just mere words,

Mere sounds are heard,

It is lost forever,

The essence in the words,

Lost essence forever.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Poem 132 : The Perfect Dilemma

 The Perfect Dilemma
                                    - T ABRAHAM

In anonymity, anxiety prevailing,

Anxious anxiety flowing,

The deadly death of anonymity,

The decaying denser thoughts pouring,

Flying, floating, flowing and pouring,

Waiting, wanting and watching,

Reddening redness like ruddiness,

Dilemma dining with time,

Perfection attained in dilemma,

Learning, leaning and standing,

The perfection in dilemma,

The perfect dilemma.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Poem 131 : Cloudless Skies

 Cloudless Skies
                               - T ABRAHAM

Skies with clouds and smoke,

Surrounding my locale with fog,

Clouds heavy and high above,

The place filled below with smog,

Clouds above and smog below,

The sun filled with it's yellow,

The mind with this fog clouded,

Makes the thoughts loaded,

The clouds and smoke are absent,

The thoughts with clarity is present,

The unknown hidden so long,

The long past which was written wrong,

The skies with no clouds,

There is not so many doubts,

The blues visible with magnificence,

The discovery made in innocence,

The truth discovered and unraveled,

The science of truth is found,

The wisdom and the knowledge differentiated,

When there is a clarity with brilliance,

The brilliant clarity present above.

Poem 130 : Changing Seasons

 Changing Seasons
                                  - T ABRAHAM

The season of sunshine with its joy,

The invaluable dolls and toys,

Sunshine and sweat accompanied,

Smiles arising and secrecy accompanied,

Season concrete or changing ?

The clouds present in every season,

Unleashing the kindness to it's very reason.

The season of spring to cling,

Spring springs up with it's wing,

Flowers, fruits and fragrance,

Covering over the upcoming pestilence,

Season concrete or changing ?

The clouds crowding and glowing,

Unleashing the reason of this season.

The autumn bringing sickness,

Autumnal dampness and wickedness,

Falling apart and moving away,

The pestilence coming it's way,

Season concrete or changing ?

The clouds with their dampness raging,

The unleashed reason begins it's treason.

The wild winter rains raining,

The heart and blood frozen by moaning,

Wintery wildness and nothing pleasant,

Everything from the summer is present,

Changing seasons with their dark reasons,

Truth revealed by reasons received,

The smiles vanishing and the times changing.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Poem 129 : The Disturbing Images

The Disturbing Images
                                   - T ABRAHAM

Some pleasing to eyes,

Pleasant and aromatic creation,

A smooth and flowery sensation,

Of the beauty of the world,

The dust in the creation,

Dust to make flesh and bone,

The man who is God's own,

The flowers and bowers,

Of nature's perfumed power.

Some piercing the eyes,

Of diseases and sickness,

The wrath burning in creation,

A rough and foul sensation,

Of ugliness and suffering,

The dust turning back to dust,

The place where it came from,

It is destined back to go,

It disturbs you and me,

The disturbance of images,

Continues for more ages.

Poem 128 : Like Bones And Flesh

 Like Bones And Flesh
                                       - T ABRAHAM

Like bones, it is my foundation,

Like flesh, it is my sensation.

Bones building my foundation,

Foundation in the essence,

Of writing and of speaking,

Of broadening and widening,

Expressive expression to be expressed.

Like flesh it is dressed,

Dressed upon this foundation,

Of thinking and of learning,

Of structuring and systematising,

Thinkable thoughts to be thought.

Words and thoughts are learned,

Thinking the thinkable,

Breaking past to think the unthinkable,

Words creating wonder and beauty,

And structure and systems doing its duty.

Truth and creation,

Both in their mutation,

Of words and thoughts,

Of books and book of books,

They are the bones and flesh.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Poem 127 : The Dislike of Infringement

 The Dislike of Infringement
                                          - T ABRAHAM

Interference in everything,

No freedom in anything,

Stop the infringement and interference,

Do not make a pattern alive,

I want all the shapes and shades,

Shapes and shades of life,

Shapes of success and failure,

Shades of all emotions,

Experience needed in growing,

Do not infringe and stop the growth,

No bower hinders me,

Nothing can cover me,

Waiting patiently for many,

Rushing things for none,

Stopping and waiting,

Rushing uncontrollably,

But do not infringe,

And never interfere.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Book Review on 'A Room of One's Own' by Virginia Woolf

'A Room of One's Own' by Virginia Woolf

    This book titled 'A Room of One's Own' by Virginia Woolf is considered to be one of the major work of the 20th century feminist literature. This book is an extended essay based on a series of lectures delivered by Virginia Woolf at two women's colleges titled as "Women and Fiction." This book mainly deals with the difficulties faced by women especially in writing fiction and also other works of literature as well. In this book Woolf describes about the factors such as money and a room for a women as the essential things required and showcases it to the readers and also about the difficulties and restrictions faced by the women in acquiring it.

                    There is a line in this book which can be seen to echo all throughout this work, 

"Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."

                    Now let us get into some of the striking points mentioned about Virginia Woolf in her work. Firstly, Woolf mentions about 'poverty of sex' which describes the importance of male companionship and is seen that it is one among the mandatory things for a woman to enter even into the public places such as the libraries as well as into the religious places or the places of worship such as the churches during her time. Next, she describes about how women viewed art. The term 'art' refers to all forms of art which includes writing and drawing. It is a well known and a well witnessed fact that any work of art in either created out of one's creativity or it is being dominated by one's feelings. It can be seen that women at first created any works of art which were mostly or almost entirely dominated by their feelings and especially anger because it was a time when they were suppressed by the men of their society.

                                         Then, it is seen that Woolf describes her desire to know about the status and condition of women in the society and especially that of the women of the Elizabethan era. She mentions about the terrible state of women and how they were either harmed physically, mentally or emotionally. It is seen that she comes to know all this through Professor Trevelyan's book on the Social History of England. It is seen that women were beaten by their husbands and there were laws that allowed wife-beating and termed it as a legal right of a husband to beat his wife.

    Then, it is seen that Virginia Woolf mentions the two terms, namely, 'anonymity' and 'secrecy' as something which flows in the blood of a woman. She describes the anonymity in women's works of art because women usually do not like to reveal their identity in their works and it is seen that not even their names are used in the books written by them because women were looked down upon by men during those times and Woolf presents to us the example of the Bronte sisters who wrote their works under their pen names. Then, when it comes to secrecy it is seen in the case of Jane Austen writing her novel 'Pride and Prejudice' as it can be seen that Miss Austen wrote her work in secrecy and she hid the manuscript of her first book even from the members of her own household.

    There is a mention about how there was a shift in profession taken up by women. It is seen that women took up the profession of translation and writing once they were educated and were given the freedom of expression of their thoughts and feelings through writing.

                                        There are two most significant things mentioned in this book and the first one is about an 'androgynous mind' and it is seen that Shakespeare wrote with an androgynous mind and an androgynous mind is a mind which is not dominated either by masculine thoughts alone or by feminine thoughts alone, but it is a mixture of both. An androgynous mind is one of the best type of mind which is said to create best of all works as it does not paves it's way towards biases and it does not let one see the world only as a man or as a woman but it gives one a view which is unbiased and neutral.

                                                            The last, but one of the most important and interesting information conveyed by Woolf to her readers is about Shakespeare's imaginary sister named 'Judith' who is described as someone who has the same temperament of Shakespeare and is interested to enter the world of theater and just because she is a woman she is mocked at and looked down upon by the men of her society. It is seen that a woman with such a driving force within her to create great works of art instantaneously kills herself. It is also mentioned that 'Judith Shakespeare' is someone who is still alive and lives inside every women who has the skill of creating fascinating works of art or is blessed with such skills and faculties like Shakespeare but is unable to expresses it out because of the obstacles and hindrances face upon in ones life, it is not just restricted just to women but also to men who is blessed with such a gift from the creator of this universe.

                    Thus, in my opinion this book 'A Room of One's Own' is a good place to start for those who are interested to dive into the concept of feminism as Virginia Woolf explains it well and also in a sensible manner for those who are introduced to the topic of feminism for the first time.

Poem 126 : The Raging Fire

 The Raging Fire
                             - T ABRAHAM

Whenever packed up,

The whole potential filled up,

Competitive and fair,

Jealousy and unfair,

Surrounding all around the locale,

I heard the noises and chatter,

Calling the spirit to run faster,

Slow and steady,

But fast and ready,

To conquer your rights,

Safeguard your possession,

The raging fire has started,

As violently as the wind,

As terribly as the swirls,

Volcanic eruptions inside,

None to calm from outside,

The raging desires,

The ringing wishes,

Dreams to come true,

The desires are true.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Poem 125 : Freshness and Contamination

 Freshness and Contamination
                                          - T ABRAHAM

Pleasant fragrance all around,

Flowering all over the ground,

The fragrance going in and out,

No evil nor any doubt.

The face with smile is true,

The smiling faces are false,

Few in number but true,

Available in plenitude and false,

False ruling over truth,

Truth lying underneath.

The days change into night,

The nights change into day.

One day or one night,

Day one or last night,

The smiling faces shrink,

Shrinks and frowns a lot,

From smile to frown they rot,

When none would have thought,

Darkest of times and years,

Brings in a lot of tears and fears,

The freshness contaminated,

The beauty in it's reality,

To reveal the true eternity.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Poem 124 : The Unleashing Swords

 The Unleashing Swords
                                      - T ABRAHAM

The mind as a whole,

Ideas on a bowl,

Stagnant they stay,

By time they fade away.

The box with a crack,

Light going to the rack,

Of pages and covers,

I sit under my room's bower.

The sword of insults,

The words of harm,

Cannot move the charm,

The results are seen,

For the time being,

The final results,

Passes the days unseen.

The sun rises,

The sword unleashes,

These insults and harm,

Brings out great results and charm,

The mind pours out,

Pouring out everything it has,

The brain is drained,

The papers are clogged,

Digitally the blog is clogged.

At this time of the year,

None nearby to hear,

But this screen,

A senseless screen near by,

Everything far by,

Bye and bye,

To all sensical things,

Things of the past,

Remains out of rust.

The things hidden,

Hidden long back,

Or left far back,

Waiting to meet,

Wanting to meet,

But these dull and eerie,

Coldness may pass by.

O thou great mind !

Heed by my side,

The living entity moves away,

The world falls apart,

But these swords unleash,

Unleash the words of pain,

Of words spoken of loss,

Waiting for brokenness to surpass,

The surpassing brokenness.

These negatives sharpen the sword,

The insults oiling the rust of it,

It broke my mind into halves,

The paper dipped in these halves.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Poem 123 : The Fading Fallacy

 The Fading Fallacy
                                     - T ABRAHAM

False claims and blames,

And truth burning by it's flames,

Truth flickering and fading,

But false judgements growing,

Hard for falseness to abstain,

But truth always would sustain,

It sustains till my last breath,

The truth never dies,

It is a universal truth,

A word of immortality,

The false is mortal,

The truth is immortal.

Poem 122 : Oscillating Faces

 Oscillating Faces
                                 - T ABRAHAM

One's opinion oscillates,

My view oscillates,

Oscillating from good to evil,

But never does the evil turn good,

From trust to fakeness,

But the fake not to trust,

The oscillator of life,

Taking me to and fro across,

A big path of life to cross,

Crossing the challenges,

Using a plenty of defences,

Many get offended,

The uniqueness is defended,

Once came a crowd,

Crowd of influencers,

Both positive and some proud,

Only one came forward,

Others moved backward,

The man came,

With a face to tame,

The already tamed one,

Tamed, untamed and retamed,

Polite, gentle and humble,

And not crumbled by none,

Hard to change,

And unmeasurable range,

The oscillating face,

An impossible case.

Poem 280 : Calloused Sensation

  Calloused Sensation                                - T ABRAHAM (SOURCE: AI GENERATED IMAGE) Cheerlessness with its heavy hardness, The dry...