Sunday, December 3, 2023

Poem 75 : Love and Anger

 Love and Anger
                             - T ABRAHAM

Love is sweet as honey,

A nature's product of sweetness,

Fragrant as the musk roses,

Roses that are pleasing to my eyes,

Fragrance that would carry me,

Carry me to a world of bliss,

Sweet as the honey,

Red as the rose,

Strong as the fragrance.

But where does it grow,

Is it man-made or nature ?

As natural it is,

From nature it should be,

Natural love has many things,

A mixture of emotions accompany,

A mixture of feelings accompany,

Angry with your loved ones,

Fight between us,

Misunderstanding between you and me,

But I can understand you,

You can understand me,

Love and anger are two sides of a coin,

A coin with a head and tail,

So is the life,

Life only with you and me,

You are my true joy,

So does love and anger accompany.

I love you all forever,

Even though some are bound,

Bound through blood with me,

Or bound through mind and heart,

You are my sister and my brother,

And many ideal fathers who I got,

Friendship fades away,

But these eternal bonds are forever.

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